Weekly News Digest
July 24, 2014 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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DCL Will Upgrade Scopus Citations
Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL) partnered with Elsevier for a multiyear conversion initiative that will enhance 2 million-plus articles published before 1996 in Elsevier’s Scopus database.DCL’s automated document analysis process will split citations into their component parts in order to enrich the content coverage and granularity of the data in Scopus. The citations will be fully tagged and fully searchable, allowing articles to become more findable and cited more often. “Adding cited references to pre-1996 articles in Scopus is of great importance to our users. It will allow for thorough measurement of impact and trend analysis of pre-1996 content using the Scopus database,” says Wim Meester, Elsevier’s head of product management for content strategy. “Accurately processing and tagging the cited references in a highly automated fashion is key to making this program successful and bringing value to our users in a timely manner.” Source: Data Conversion Laboratory
OCLC Gets Grant to Promote Early Literacy in Public Libraries
IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) awarded OCLC a National Leadership Grant to help the organization strengthen early learning activities in public libraries.OCLC will use the $276,000 grant to fund an 18-month project in partnership with the Washington State Library and Thrive by Five Washington. The goal of the project is to implement a new service model for public libraries that introduces interactive early literacy programs to young children. “Libraries and museums are effective, but often overlooked resources in our nation’s effort to turn around a crisis in early learning, exposing children to reading and powerful learning experiences in the critical early years and keeping them learning through the summer months,” says IMLS’ director Susan H. Hildreth. OCLC’s project will increase libraries’ awareness of the new service model, help library staff members and administrators support their early literacy services, and document recommendations for implementing the service model in libraries across the U.S. Source: OCLC
Open Data Network Fosters Data-Driven Decision Making
Socrata created the Open Data Network as its next step in democratizing access to government data by bringing together 25 to 30 industries and their datasets. The network’s ecosystem of participants includes governments that are open data publishers and consumers, businesses that incorporate and use government data, civic developers and entrepreneurs using open data to build service delivery apps, and individual citizens. Socrata aims to add educational institutions, healthcare providers, and other organizations to the ecosystem in the future. “The ultimate goal is to make the open data sharable, comparable, inter-operable and benchmarkable across governments,” according to the press release. “Socrata’s new Open Data Network will help the public sector achieve even greater operational efficiency and data-driven decision-making, fueled by better and broader access to its own data, which will now be extracted from silos.” Zillow, a web-based real estate marketplace, agreed to partner with Socrata within the Open Data Network to release public data on the housing and real estate industry, standardize it, and make it useful for consumers. Socrata plans for other industries to follow after this initial rollout. Source: Socrata
ProQuest Integrates Flow and Summon Services
ProQuest’s Flow search management solution is now integrated with ProQuest’s Summon discovery service. Researchers have persistent access across both platforms, which allows them to save reference citations, collaborate with colleagues, and share content.The aim of the integration is to foster “a stronger relationship between users and the library,” says Andrew Nagy, lead product manager of discovery services at ProQuest. For example, search results from Summon can be saved to Flow, and users can create Flow accounts while working in Summon. Source: ProQuest
EBSCO Adds Arabic Publications to Its Ebook Platform
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) made titles from the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) available on its eBooks and Audiobooks platform. This agreement provides academic and public library users with ebooks in Arabic and English that include fields such as politics and economics. Libraries can purchase these titles individually or as part of EBSCO’s subject sets or specific collections.ECSSR, a think tank that is based in the United Arab Emirates, conducts studies that provide input for current and future state policies, prepares research reports, and measures public opinion trends, among other contributions. Source: EBSCO Information Services
OUP Introduces Language-Editing Service
Oxford University Press (OUP) launched Oxford Language Editing, a service for researchers working on content for publication, presentation, or sharing. When an author submits his work to OUP, an editor improves the document’s language, reviews the changes with the author, and performs a final check of the work before returning the submission to the author.The service helps ensure that documents are submitted in high-quality English, whether to OUP or to another publisher. It also offers abstract editing to help researchers create clearly written conference abstracts. Source: STM Publishing News Group
SAGE Debuts OA Journal on Big Data
SAGE Publications introduced its newest open access (OA), peer-reviewed journal, Big Data & Society, which explores the implications of Big Data for societies. It provides a platform for debating Big Data practices, conducting experiments with innovative methods, and other analyses. The topics covered include social sciences, humanities, and computing, as well as how these fields intersect with the arts and natural sciences.“As the digital landscape has impacted the research community, the use of and understanding of Big Data has become increasingly important for social researchers,” says Karen Phillips, SAGE’s editorial director. Source: SAGE Publications
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Brandi Scardilli