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Weekly News Digest

February 4, 2014 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.

CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.

Taylor & Francis Group Hosts Journals With figshare

Taylor & Francis Group and figshare partnered to host journal content on Taylor & Francis Online, the online platform for Taylor & Francis Group publications, and figshare, an online repository that helps researchers host, publish, and share their research. A figshare widget also will be added to Taylor & Francis Online that shows supplemental materials, such as tables, datasets, videos, and graphs from Taylor & Francis journal articles.

This joint hosting makes the content more easily discoverable by search engines, with a DataCite DOI (digital object identifier) allocated to each item upon publication. Authors will be able to share their materials and track usage with figshare’s metrics functions. Items on figshare will link back to their corresponding articles on Taylor & Francis Online.

The first journals added to the platforms will be 12 titles in the Environment & Agriculture list, with supplemental materials from 468 articles. Going forward, all new articles with supplemental content will be automatically uploaded to Taylor & Francis Online and figshare.

Source: Taylor & Francis Group

Boopsie and Credo Collaborate on Library Apps

Boopsie for Libraries partnered with Credo to integrate its mobile application with Credo’s information skills solutions. Boopsie and Credo will create customized library-branded apps for individual libraries that will increase usage of Credo’s Literati Public solution on mobile devices.

“Together, we can provide broader access to Credo’s trusted content, and help libraries better utilize their limited resources by delivering Credo services through Boopsie’s easy-to-use, library-branded native mobile apps,” says Mike Sweet, Credo’s CEO.

For example, Credo Online Reference Service subscribers can access their accounts via an embedded browser, allowing them to work with the research tools without leaving the app.

Source: Boopsie for Libraries

3M Cloud Library Launches in Canada and Debuts Automation Tool

3M announced that the 3M Cloud Library ebook lending system from 3M Library Systems is now available in Canada. Previously accessible only in the U.S., 3M Cloud Library offers Canadian libraries thousands of titles from U.S. publishers. 3M Library Systems is currently working to add titles from Canadian publishers to the collection. Canadian member libraries will use the same interface and back-end tools as U.S. customers.

3M also released a new automated buying tool that helps librarians purchase hold lists and manage about-to-expire content. The tool is fully customizable to each library and will reduce the time librarians must spend managing collections.

Source: 3M

LibLime Academic Koha Update Launches

LibLime, a division of Progressive Technology Federal Systems, Inc. (PTFS), released LibLime Academic Koha 5.6. This version of LibLime’s open source ILS software for academic libraries has an updated discovery layer that increases local customization and allows for integration with third-party products and resources. Librarians can now merge authority records, edit their OPACs, and access support for mobile devices.

New features in each release are designed by WALDO (Westchester Academic Library Directors Organization)-sponsored committees composed of volunteer librarians. LibLime Academic Koha uses the open source Solr search engine and resides in the Plack environment for enhanced performance.

Source: LibLime

IGI Global Ebooks Now Available via YBP

IGI Global announced that it will now offer its ebooks through Baker & Taylor’s YBP Library Services academic division. Ebooks on the InfoSci-Books platform will be available directly for order on GOBI3, YBP’s acquisition and collection management interface.

Librarians gain flexibility in ordering and a streamlined title selection and fulfillment process by using GOBI3, allowing them easy access to InfoSci-Books’ collection of more than 2,400 ebooks. Topics include technology, business, medicine, education, and engineering. Librarians will also be able to add IGI Global ebooks to their YBP eApproval plans, says Mark Kendall, YBP’s SVP of sales and operations. 

Source: IGI Global

RFID by Barcoding Manages Data Collection

Barcoding, Inc. introduced RFID by Barcoding, a dedicated practice for designing, developing, implementing, and advancing Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), which collects data using low-power radio waves sent between tags and readers.

“Barcoding has long offered and supported RFID systems, but as we continue to grow and expand our team of experts, creating a separate practice for RFID was a logical step,” says Shane Snyder, Barcoding’s president. RFID by Barcoding features the RFID RealView asset-tracking software, hardware such as tags and printers, and specialty products.

Barcoding helps businesses decide whether RFID is a logical choice to increase visibility in their services and then facilitates system planning and software integration. RFID candidates include clients in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, retail, government, and education.

Source: Barcoding, Inc.

Keynote Acquires Meucci Solutions

Keynote, which provides mobile cloud testing and monitoring solutions, acquired Meucci Solutions, a telecom service provider based in Belgium. Meucci will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Keynote and will report to Keynote SIGOS.

Meucci has a reputation as a leader in mobile fraud solutions. Its scalable platform will enable Keynote to increase its influence in the marketplace while offering customers worldwide coverage for carrier routes and VoIP subscriptions and a calling card platform.

“The acquisition brings together two market leaders—Meucci in mobile fraud detection and end-to-end Quality of Service monitoring and Keynote SIGOS in automated end-to-end active testing of telco networks, providers and services—to establish Keynote as the world’s leading provider of fraud detection and end-to-end testing and monitoring solutions for mobile communication companies,” says Jennifer Tejada, Keynote’s president and CEO.

Source: Keynote

Cengage Learning Announces Reorganization Plans

Cengage Learning reached an agreement with all of its major financial stakeholders and creditors to create a Plan of Reorganization for the company that will begin in March 2014. Cengage intends to reduce its debt by restructuring its balance sheet.

“Under the Plan, Cengage Learning will have a new capital structure with a substantially stronger balance sheet and greater financial flexibility to accelerate our growth,” says Michael Hansen, Cengage’s CEO.

After declaring Chapter 11 bankruptcy in July 2013, Cengage filed an initial reorganization plan. This amended version incorporates a global settlement, subject to court approval, among Cengage, its debt holders, its primary equity holder, and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors.

If granted, the settlement will allow Cengage to eliminate more than $4 billion of its $5.8 billion debt as it reorganizes the company’s finances.

Source: Cengage Learning

Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor Brandi Scardilli
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