Weekly News Digest
November 14, 2013 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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SirsiDynix Acquires EOS International
SirsiDynix acquired Electronic Online Systems (EOS) International to strengthen both companies’ place in the library market: EOS’ 1,100 worldwide implementations join SirsiDynix’s 23,000-plus global library customers to create the largest userbase of library automation in the industry.“SirsiDynix will be able to take the EOS customers to the next level, in terms of product innovation, financial stability, and long-term security,” says Scot Cheatham, founder, owner, president, and CEO of EOS. “This acquisition shows SirsiDynix’s commitment to the smaller library market that we serve.” EOS’ products and services will be developed and maintained as usual for its special library customers. The companies do not plan to consolidate their products or change product strategies. Source: SirsiDynix
Springer Partners With Qatar National Library
Springer Science+Business Media signed an agreement with the Qatar National Library (QNL) granting Qatar residents access to ebooks and ejournals on SpringerLink, Springer’s database of electronic scientific content.QNL, a member of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, “managed to open a library digitally first, while other national libraries have been doing it the other way round,” according to Claudia Lux, project director at QNL. “We consider that access of knowledge is very important for the business in the region and for the entire community,” she says. Anyone with a valid Qatari ID or residence permit may register to join the library for free, where they can access SpringerLink. The library offers training sessions to familiarize users with Springer’s platform. Lux hopes the agreement will help Qatar’s researchers “unlock their scientific potential and develop the skills that will support their participation in the global knowledge economy.” Source: Springer Science+Business Media
Google Apps Backup Made Easy
Spanning Backup is now available through the EMC Select third-party partner program. Now EMC customers can easily acquire Spanning Backup as an enterprise-level solution that provides full data recovery for core Google Apps components.Spanning, a provider of SaaS data protection solutions, helps business customers and users back up and restore their business-critical data. It also offers constant backup monitoring so administrators can catch any issues early on. Spanning Backup protects customers’ Gmail, Drive, Sites, Calendar, and Contacts apps on the Google interface as a security measure to ensure against data loss. “Protecting SaaS applications from potential data loss is an absolute necessity as more organizations put their business critical data in the cloud. Participation in the EMC Select Partner Program allows us to extend our market reach with a stronger focus on enterprise customers,” according to Jeff Erramouspe, chief revenue officer at Spanning. Spanning partnered with EMC in March 2013 to jointly promote Spanning products and EMC’s Mozy backup and recovery technology. Entry into EMC’s partner program is the next step in their collaboration. Source: Spanning
ProQuest and OCLC Automate WorldCat Updates
OCLC and ProQuest are collaborating on an automation process for updating holdings from ebrary and EBL (Ebook Library) and offering current links in the WorldCat database and in library catalogs.When librarians opt in to the automation process, ebrary and EBL provide OCLC with holdings data for their purchased collections and demand-driven acquisition (DDA) repositories. OCLC loads the data into WorldCat’s knowledgebase of worldwide econtent so libraries can access the data along with linking features. Holdings are automatically updated as needed; librarians do not need to do any manual maintenance. “OCLC is working with partners like ProQuest to automate as many steps as possible in the supply chain to help reduce the burden on librarians to keep e-resource information current,” according to Chip Nilges, OCLC’s VP of business development. “This automated process is designed to remove the difficult and time-consuming task of cataloging and maintaining holdings information to keep records of e-book collections and links up to date.” OCLC and ProQuest previously partnered to support a DDA model for ebrary and EBL ebooks so libraries can make ebooks discoverable to their patrons before purchasing them. Source: OCLC
More OA Journals Arrive From Frontiers
Frontiers, part of Nature Publishing Group, introduced Frontiers in Earth Science and Frontiers in Environmental Science as the newest additions to its open access (OA) journal collection.The new journals are part of the Frontiers in … journal series. Manuscripts submitted to the series are reviewed by specialty associate and review editors, and specialty chief editors are assigned to each subject area. Frontiers in Earth Science’s introductory specialty sections include Atmospheric Science, Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, and Paleontology. Frontiers in Environmental Science’s initial sections also include Atmospheric Science, as well as Environmental Toxicology and Groundwater Resources and Management. “Frontiers expands the notion of publishing by adding network possibilities and impact metrics to evaluate individual articles,” according to Luis Gimeno, specialty chief editor for Atmospheric Science. All of Frontiers’ articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY) that allows researchers to share, copy, and distribute content as long as they credit the authors. Source: Frontiers
IGI Global Announces New Journals
IGI Global will publish nine new journals in 2014. Its research publications currently examine topics in fields ranging from education and social science to healthcare and engineering.The new journals are now available for subscription and will be included in IGI Global databases such as InfoSci-Journals, which features more than 12,000 peer-reviewed, full-text articles from 200-plus disciplines. The nine journals are as follows: Source: IGI Global
ProQuest Enters Automation Beta Phase
ProQuest entered a beta test phase to automate ebrary and EBL (Ebook Library) holdings updates in its Summon service and 360 discovery and management services.The automation process means that librarians no longer need to manually load records and set holdings, and it includes automatic updates to data supporting demand-driven acquisition models. This process simplifies access to ebooks in Summon, which works directly with publishers to provide a unified index of search results. “We are consistently looking for ways to simplify librarians’ tasks by integrating within ProQuest and with other organizations,” says Kevin Sayar, SVP and general manager of ProQuest’s Workflow Solutions. “This initiative has a dual benefit: it relieves the burden for librarians to maintain holdings and also enables more efficient marketing of collections by shortening the time between title availability and its discoverability.” Source: ProQuest
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli