Weekly News Digest
September 12, 2011 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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JSTOR Makes Early Journal Content Available For Free
JSTOR announced it is making journal content published prior to 1923 in the U.S. and prior to 1870 elsewhere freely available to anyone, anywhere in the world. This “Early Journal Content” includes discourse and scholarship in the arts and humanities, economics and politics, and in mathematics and other sciences. It includes nearly 500,000 articles from more than 200 journals. This represents 6% of the content on JSTOR.While JSTOR currently provides access to scholarly content to people through a growing network of more than 7,000 institutions in 153 countries, there are independent scholars and other people that JSTOR is still not reaching in this way. Making the Early Journal Content freely available is a first step in a larger effort to provide more access options to the content on JSTOR for these individuals. The Early Journal Content will be released on a rolling basis. A quick video tutorial about how to access this content is also available, as well as an FAQ. Download a brief program description that lists some Early Journal Content highlights. The announcement included the following statement: We encourage broad use of the Early Journal Content, including the ability to reuse it for non-commercial purposes. We ask that you acknowledge JSTOR as the source of the content and provide a link back to our site. Please also be considerate of other users and do not use robots or other devices to systematically download these works as this may be disruptive to our systems. For more information, you can read a new section about Early Journal Content in our Terms & Conditions of Use. Source: JSTOR
New Databases from APA—PsycTESTS and PsycTHERAPY
The American Psychological Association (APA) announced the release of two new databases: PsycTESTS and PsycTHERAPY.PsycTESTS joins APA’s suite of research databases, providing a simple yet comprehensive solution for libraries and their patrons looking for access to test content. PsycTESTS will be updated monthly and includes more than 2,200 indexed test records, with more than 1,500 ready-to-use instruments. PsycTESTS is a research database that provides access to an abundance of full-text psychological tests, measures, scales, and other assessments as well as descriptive and administrative information for each. PsycTESTS spans the full breadth of assessment in psychological research including neuropsychological tests, personality assessments, skills and proficiency tests, and IQ and aptitude scales and measurements. The majority of the test records found in PsycTESTS are research instruments that are available for immediate use. The database also covers select commercially published tests, and provides direct links to their respective publisher sites. All test records in PsycTESTS are created by skilled indexers with deep knowledge of the psychology literature. Available tests include those compiled from a systematic review of peer-reviewed journals published by APA, Hogrefe Publishing Group, and other large publishers; technical reports from PsycEXTRA; contributions from individual test authors; collections from the Archives of the History of American Psychology; and more. Tests are available as printable PDFs, or as images, audio, or software for easy download and display. Records include information on the scope of the test, test implementation, a high-level overview of the test’s development, and reliability and validity data. PsycTESTS will be available through APA PsycNET as well as through several of APA’s current vendor partners. Designed for students, faculty, and seasoned professionals in psychotherapy and counseling, PsycTHERAPY is a database of therapy demonstration videos specifically developed to enable viewers to observe how therapists spontaneously employ different approaches and techniques in practice. At launch, PsycTHERAPY’s more than 300 videos provide illustrative examples from nearly 100 of the most renowned therapists in North America at work with participants (including individuals, couples, and families) via different approaches with persons facing an array of psychological challenges. Specific clinical topics and challenges (more than 200 in total) featured in videos include many of the main issues dealt with in psychotherapy and counseling, including addiction, anxiety, depression, divorce, and health and relationship problems. The database reflects the full breadth of clinical practice in the variety of approaches and topics represented in its content. Additional content is scheduled to be added to PsycTHERAPY on a biannual basis. PsycTHERAPY is searchable in multiple ways. To ensure the most precise searching, each video is coded with index terms and metadata about the participants, the session content, and therapeutic approaches demonstrated. In addition, each video in PsycTHERAPY has a synchronized transcript, highlighting the content being spoken; users can skip to a desired section of the video by clicking on the corresponding text in the transcript. They can also create and customize short clips of specific techniques or demonstrations, which can be shared in turn with a class or smaller group or the user’s immediate institution. PsycTHERAPY is offered exclusively on the APA PsycNET platform, and the search is integrated into the APA PsycNET platform along with APA’s other database products. Source: APA
Filmakers Library Adds The Legacy Project
Filmakers Library, an imprint of Alexander Street Press, announced the addition of The Dramatists Guild Fund’s new interview series, The Legacy Project, to its catalogue of video titles. The Legacy Project, acquired by Filmakers Library, is an intimate portrait of legendary American dramatists through interviews conducted by emerging playwrights.The series, featuring conversations with ten eminent writers of American theatre is currently available for purchase as a 10 DVD box set. Later in the year, the collection will also be available online in streaming video through Alexander Street’s Academic Video Online Store. The Legacy Project series will also eventually be available to subscribing libraries and educational institutions through Alexander Street’s Theatre in Video collection. Theatre in Video is an online collection containing more than 250 of the world’s most important plays, together with more than 100 video documentaries. The Dramatists Guild Fund is the public charity division of the Dramatists Guild of America, an association that has acted as a public advocate for dramatists for more than 80 years. A preview of the series is available on the Alexander Street YouTube channel. For more information on The Legacy Project or to order the DVD set, visit http://alexanderstreet.com/filmakers.htm. Qualified faculty and library staff may request trial access and pricing information for Theatre in Video by emailing sales@alexanderstreet.com. Source: Alexander Street Press
Publishing Technology Chosen to Build Academic Publishing Site for GSE Research
Publishing Technology plc has been selected to build an academic publishing platform for GSE Research. The new online platform for research into governance, sustainability, and the environment will be built using Publishing Technology’s semantic web-based publishing software, pub2web. The new platform will be among the first of its kind offering the option of an open peer-eview model alongside the traditional peer-eview system. This new publishing model aims to speed up the submission process and encourage heightened engagement and collaboration among users.GSE Research’s prime objective is to bridge the gap between the scholarly research community, policymakers and the corporate world by building an inclusive and interactive community that shares its views on papers and research in real time. It will be a completely digital model free of the constraints of the traditional scholarly publishing model, which has generally replicated content from print into online. GSE is the brainchild of one of the world’s top sustainability researchers, Professor Walter Leal, and academic publisher John Peters (former CEO, Emerald Group Publishing). Authors submitting content to GSE Research will be able to share research both inside and outside of the academic community with speed and efficiency. It will also be possible to discuss papers and opinions and to network within the community using the site’s socially collaborative approach. All contributors will have the option to choose between an open access model and a more traditional subscription-based model when it comes to publishing their content. Visitors to the site will benefit from the semantic web technology native to the pub2web platform combined with a number of features driven by the newly created taxonomy that factors in all areas of GSE Research’s content. The site will be able to connect discourse from a wide, interdisciplinary academic and public policy landscape and present contextual external content resources alongside GSE content to improve discoverability and transform the user experience. Source: Publishing Technology plc
Springer Releases New Download Tool for MARC Records or Ebook Title Lists
In order to increase the quality of metadata, Springer released a new web tool that allows catalogers and librarians to easily download tailor-made batches of MARC records (Machine-Readable-Cataloging) or ebook title lists. This new tool is easy to use and allows librarians to download a batch of records to a library’s Springer eBook Collection. The new tool is available through Springer’s MARC portal at http://www.springer.com/marc.Apart from MARC records, the tool also allows a librarian to download a full or tailored title list of Springer ebooks. Each record in such title lists contains the main bibliographic information, as well as a URL to the ebook on SpringerLink. Springer claims to be the largest STM ebook publisher and disseminates its ebooks on SpringerLink. Various studies and online usage statistics have proven that cataloging of ebooks drives usage of ebooks substantially. In addition to the tool on its website, Springer can also deliver MARC records through FTP, directly to an institution’s FTP server. Source: Springer
W3C Launches Work on 'Do Not Track' Standards for the Web
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced a new standardization effort to improve user privacy on the web. The Tracking Protection Working Group will create standards for “Do Not Track” technology by building consensus among a broad set of stakeholders, including browser vendors, content providers, advertisement networks, search engines, and experts in policy, privacy, and consumer protection.The Working Group, which first meets in 2 weeks, is charted to publish Do Not Track standards by mid-2012. The standards will let users express their tracking preferences and select which parties can track them online. Learn more about W3C’s Privacy Activity and read the April 2011 Report from the W3C Workshop on Web Tracking and User Privacy, which was sponsored by Adobe, Yahoo!, Google, Mozilla, and Microsoft. The W3C is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop web standards. Led by web inventor Tim Berners-Lee and CEO Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C’s mission is to lead the web to its full potential. W3C is funded by member dues, research grants, and other sources of private and public funding, and individual donations of money and equipment. Source: World Wide Web Consortium
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Brandi Scardilli