Weekly News Digest
July 17, 2000 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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NCI.ChemFinder.Com Launched
The National Cancer Institutedatabase of over 200,000 molecules, with anti-HIV and anti-cancer assaydata, is now available free at http://NCI.ChemFinder.Com.This is the latest update of the NCI database, and CambridgeSoft scientistsgenerated 2-D structures for many of the molecules. The database is searchableby chemical name, structure, and substructure. Screening assay data isdisplayed automatically with results.Source: CambridgeSoft.com
AccessScience: the Online Encyclopedia of Science & Technology
McGraw Hill has launched a new Web site that provides subscription access to its well-known scientificencyclopedia (http://www.AccessScience.com).The core information resource of AccessScience is the 7,000-plus articlesfromMcGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology and the115,000-plus definitions from the Dictionary of Scientific & TechnicalTerms. This archive will be continually updated with new and revisedarticles, which have been selected by a board of consulting editors. Thesite also offers users late-breaking news articles from Science News:The Weekly News Magazine of Science, and provides Research Updateswritten for the McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology.According to the company,users of AccessScience can expect the following enhancements to be addedto the site: 8,000 new graphics will be continuously added including allgraphics from print, and new graphics that appear only in AccessScience;librarians will be able to measure patron user statistics; expanded bibliographies;integrated Web links within the encyclopedia articles. Institutional subscriptionpricing is based on institutional size (FTEs) with rates beginning at $695a year. For comparison, the multivolume print encyclopedia sells for $1,995. Source: McGraw Hill
Contentville.com Launches
Earlier this year, Brill Media Holdings, L.P., the company that publishes Brill's Contentmagazine (which covers the media), announced the formation of a partnershipto launch Contentville.com, an e-commerce site to sell all kinds of content,including magazines, book and e-books, transcripts, speeches, and archivedarticles from magazines, and provides experts' recommendations (see theFebruary 14, 2000 NewsBreak "Brill MediaHoldings and Partners to Launch Contentville.com"). The site hasnow formally launched (http://www.contentville.com),with a promise "to revolutionize the quality of media available to consumerson the Web-and to transform the way consumers buy content online."Contentville.com charges$2.95 for a magazine article and $1.95 for a speech, even if it's availablefree on the Web, reasoning that the site aggregates a substantial amountand diverse range of content and provides searching across all the categories.Book pricing is competitive with other book sites (25 percent discount),and a membership in the Contentville Citizen's Club, costing $19.95 a year,will give an additional 5 percent discount off book purchases. The siteserves as a clearinghouse, using its distribution partners for shippingmaterials: Ingram for books and magazines, Gemstar and Microsoft for e-books,Bell & Howell for research and dissertations, and Alibris for rarebooks. Brill Media owns 34 percentof Contentville, and its partners include CBS, NBC, Primedia, Microsoft,EBSCO, Ingram Books Group, and James Cramer, a Wall Street investment managerand founder of TheStreet.com. The existence of this partnership with somehigh-profile media players is exactly why reporters continue to questionwhether the magazine that serves as self-appointed "watch-dog" for themedia can possibly maintain its integrity and independence. Also making headlines wasthe news that convicted computer hacker Kevin Mitnick had received permissionfrom his probation officer to write regularly for Contentville.com. Hewill also be allowed to lecture and consult. Source: Brill Media Holdings
ingenta to Develop Portal for the OECD
ingenta has announced that it is to develop SourceOECD, a portal that will give single-point access to the full text of the complete catalog of books, reports, statistics and journals published by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operationand Development; http://www.oecd.org).For a single subscription price, libraries, companies, and organizationscan buy unlimited access to OECD publications with concurrent readership at users' desktops. The SourceOECD portal will be launched in September with books and periodicals. The statistical databases are scheduled to be added from November onwards. The U.K.-based ingenta provides a broadbased article search and delivery service (at http://www.ingenta.com),and also develops subject-focused e-communities, built in conjunction with societies, inter-governmental organizations, publishers, and university presses.Source: ingenta
Hoover’s Invests in 10K Wizard
Hoover's, Inc., operator of Hoover's Online, "the businessperson's portal" http://www.hoovers.com, has announced a significant investment in 10K Wizard Technology, LLC. 10K Wizard currently deploys its full-text search engine technology through its Web site http://www.10kwizard.com, which offers free, full-text, real-time searches of the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) entire EDGAR database of corporate financial information, and free downloadable spreadsheets. In addition, 10K Wizard provides pension holdings summaries from 13-F filings, parsed into searchable format, and offers free, real-time alerts and free searches by multiple criteria, including a person's name.As part of the agreement, Hoover's Online will integrate 10K Wizard's proprietary text search technology into several areas of Hoover's Online, including SEC searches, while 10K Wizard will provide its user base with ready access to Hoover's content and tools. Hoover's will also make the 10K Wizard tools available through syndication to its customers. Additionally, Hoover's Online will become the exclusive advertising sales and business development representative for 10K Wizard, and has acquired the right to purchase the rest of 10K Wizard. Source: Hoovers, Inc.
BiblioData Pulls the Plug on Price Watcher
Ruth Orenstein, publisher of BiblioData (http://www.bibliodata.com), has decided that the May 24, 2000 issue of Price Watcher was the last BiblioData will publish. While the newsletter that was introduced in January 1999 has addressed some significant areas of pricing and gotten good comments in the industry, Orenstein noted that the company had not reached the subscription level needed to continue producing Price Watcher. She said: "We are planning on adding a ‘Price Watcher' section to our home page on the Web, and we will announce this in CyberSkeptic when we do. This will be a free section alerting people to changes in pricing and good deals from vendors."Source: BiblioData
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli