Weekly News Digest
June 18, 2001 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Infotrieve Launches Redesigned Web Site, Announces New Partners
Infotrieve has unveiled significant enhancements to its article- and document-retrieval Web site (http://www.infotrieve.com). According to the press release, Infotrieve's online portal now provides access to more content, customizable searching, topic alerts, more powerful user-management tools, and a streamlined transaction process. Infotrieve has also announced agreements with EBSCO, H.W. Wilson, Swets Blackwell, and Ex Libris, Inc.One click on the Infotrieve site takes customers to the e-CONTENT collection, a compendium of electronic journals from esteemed global publishers. Infotrieve plans to increase the e-CONTENT collection to approximately 3,000 journals by the end of this year. MEDLINE is also available in updated form on the site, as is PREMED, a database of MEDLINE articles in final peer-review. Infotrieve's pay-per-article service is enhanced by an improved Table of Contents (TOC) Browser, enabling customers to select and purchase journal articles without a subscription fee. This service provides access to over 27,000 journals. The agreement with EBSCO Publishing (http://www.ebsco.com) will provide direct access to Infotrieve's document-delivery services via a deep link from within many of EBSCO's more than 80 online databases. Customers accessing EBSCOhost online databases can now purchase articles using Infotrieve's pay-per-view, complete-text (formatted text and graphics) delivery service. This link is set up at the discretion of individual subscribing libraries and is enabled only when the complete text is not available locally. Similar agreements were announced with H.W. Wilson Co. (http://www.hwwilson.com) for access by Wilson customers, and with Swets Blackwell (http://www.swetsblackwell.com) for access through its Web-based access portal, SwetsnetNavigator (http://www.swetsnetnavigator.com). Infotrieve also announced an arrangement with Ex Libris, Inc. to provide access to Infotrieve's document-delivery services through links from Ex Libris' SFX context-sensitive linking software. Source: Infotrieve
IBM Signs Site Search Agreement with Fast Search & Transfer
Fast Search & Transfer (FAST; http://www.fastsearch.com) has announced that it has successfully deployed FAST Site Search on ibm.com, the online presence and e-commerce site of IBM, Inc. Based on the same core technology that powers the comprehensive search engine, FAST's AllTheWeb.com, FAST Site Search fully indexes the enormous number of pages on ibm.com, reportedly giving users more accurate results to their online queries.Under an agreement signed between the two companies, IBM will license FAST Site Search and will be coupling FAST's product with IBM-developed technology to provide rapid, intelligent access to the more than 14,000 products and 1 million pages on ibm.com. FAST hosts and manages the ibm.com index at FAST's data center, refreshing content twice weekly to ensure delivery of fresh and accurate information on demand to ibm.com users worldwide. According to the announcement, the unique linear scalability of FAST's search technology allows ibm.com to manage the rapid growth in the volume of its corporate and product data as well as the number of ibm.com users. FAST's proprietary algorithms ensure that users can quickly find exactly what they are seeking, regardless of query volumes. Source: Fast Search & Transfer
ebrary Announces Membership in OCLC
ebrary (http://www.ebrary.com) has announced that it has become a member of OCLC (http://www.oclc.org), a nonprofit membership organization serving 39,000 libraries in 76 countries and territories around the world. ebrary will add records of its documents to WorldCat, the OCLC Online Union Catalog.ebrary's vertical collections of copyright-protected books, periodicals, journals, and more will be added to WorldCat, which indexes collections held by individual libraries. Business, finance, and computers will be among the first of the vertical collections ebrary will make available through WorldCat. Librarians and patrons will be able to access ebrary documents indexed in the OCLC database through an online library site hosted by ebrary. ebrary develops software and services for the secure online delivery of copyrighted content. ebrary partners with publishers and academic presses to develop online collections in major vertical subject areas. By combining this high-value content with powerful research and comprehension software, ebrary offers partners the powerful and flexible ebrarian solution for e-content delivery, according to the announcement. Source: ebrary
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli