Weekly News Digest
February 7, 2005 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
Techstreet Offers Free Standards Tracking
Techstreet (http://www.techstreet.com), a business of The Thomson Corp., announced that it will offer free, unlimited standards tracking at Techstreet via "the Online Standards Superstore." The service is designed for engineers, corporate librarians, and technical professionals who need to stay on top of the ever-changing rules for product design, testing, safety, compliance, and quality control. Users can browse and click to create a custom list of industry standards important for their work; they will receive automatic e-mail notices when any of those standards are revised or amended.The Techstreet online service tracks more than 150,000 individual standards from leading standards-developing organizations, including ASTM, ASME, API, BSI, DIN, ISO, IEC, NFPA, IEEE, UL, CSA, and many more. The Techstreet Web site also offers immediate, unlimited access to what is claimed to be one of the largest and fastest online databases of engineering codes and standards in the world. The Web site includes cross-referenced content across vertical industries, self-serve tools for tracking and managing purchases, customer rewards programs, and a variety of enterprisewide solutions for large and small organizations, including a multi-user, Web-based subscription service providing secure access to a custom set of engineering standards for an unlimited number of users, without an Intranet. Source: Techstreet
USPTO Makes Trademark Application File Available
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) says that now—for the first time via the Internet—anyone can use its Web site (http://www.uspto.gov) to review documents in the official trademark application file, including all decisions made by trademark examining attorneys as well as their reasons for making them. The system, known as Trademark Document Retrieval (TDR), offers the public an advanced electronic portal to PDF viewing, downloading, and printing of an array of information and documents for more than 460,000 trademark applications totaling more than 8 million document pages.As new applications are filed, they will be added to the database. It is expected that more than 300,000 application files will be added annually. Over the next 5 years, the remaining paper files of approximately 1.2 million active trademark registrations will be converted into digital format for TDR access. The TDR system builds on the USPTO's First Action System for Trademarks (FAST), which replaced paper files and is now used by all trademark-examining attorneys to review applications. Source: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Ovid Introduces Statistics Reporting Tool
Ovid Technologies, Inc. (http://www.ovid.com), a provider of electronic medical, scientific, and academic information research solutions, announced a new statistical reporting tool, Ovid Stats, for the Ovid Web Gateway interface. Ovid Stats is designed to provide administrators with a reporting tool that allows for quick and efficient usage monitoring of their Ovid databases, books, and journals. With detailed usage information, administrators can make better informed content purchasing decisions.Ovid Stats provides monthly snapshots of sessions, searches, licenses, and peak usage. Users have the option of choosing between predefined reports or creating custom reports to fit their unique workflow needs. In addition, Ovid Stats includes usage reports for journals and databases that are compliant with the international COUNTER Code of Practice. COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources) is an international initiative designed to serve librarians, publishers and intermediaries by standardizing the recording and exchange of online usage statistics for journals and databases. Through COUNTER, users have the benefit of comparing usage statistics from different vendors in order to make better-informed purchasing decisions and plan more effectively. Ovid is an operating company of Wolters Kluwer Health, a division of Wolters Kluwer, the multinational publisher and information services company. Source: Ovid Technologies, Inc.
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli