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Weekly News Digest

March 10, 2022 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.

CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.

Exact Editions Hosts Free Feminism & Gender Equality Resource Page

Exact Editions announced the following:

Over 50 magazine publishers have participated in a brand new, freely-accessible digital resource page on the Exact Editions platform, which features over 200 fully-searchable articles about feminism and gender equality. …

Growing with brand new content each month, the online resource page can be accessed indefinitely by individuals and educational institutions alike.

The selected articles are organised into 8 key subject areas; ‘Modern Activism & Education’, ‘History of Feminism’, ‘Women of the Arts’, ‘Women in STEM’, ‘Women in Business’, ‘Women in Sport’, ‘Women & Environmentalism’ and ‘LBGTQ+ Community’. The content spans a wealth of topics, from famous trailblazers in science and the arts to the history of the suffragette movement and modern feminist activism and education.

Visit the Feminism & Gender Equality Resource Page here.

For more information, read the press release.

ALA Calls for Participation in Women Making Herstory Project

ALA past president Loida Garcia-Febo sent an email to the IFLA-L email list about the Women Making Herstory Project. She writes, “The ALA Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship (COSWL) has asked women who work in libraries to prepare short videos of themselves talking about their jobs and what makes their jobs exciting or what they love about working in libraries. In celebration of Women’s History Month, we will highlight the videos throughout the month of March on ALA’s YouTube channel.”

ALA’s YouTube channel is here; ALA COSWL’s webpage is here.

What Indie Bookstores Are Doing for Ukraine

The March 7 Shelf Awareness newsletter published “Indie Booksellers #StandWithUkraine.” It states, “As the Russian invasion continues, many independent booksellers worldwide are expressing their support for Ukraine with fundraising initiatives, reading lists, book displays and more.” These include Powell’s Books in Oregon, which donated 20% of its sales from March 4 to CARE’s Ukraine Crisis Fund; Globe Bookstore and Café in the Czech Republic, which held a fundraiser that collected about $1,770 for Ukraine’s armed services (and is planning another); and Mr. B’s Emporium of Reading Delights in England, which donated its profits from March 5 to Disasters Emergency Committee: Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

For more on what bookstores are doing, read the news item.  

IFLA Calls on Libraries to Stand With Ukraine

On March 1, IFLA announced, “IFLA stands in solidarity with our colleagues in Ukraine—condemns all violent actions and joins the international community in their statements on the situation. … IFLA urgently appeals to the libraries all over the world to mobilise in favour of accurate information to be spread on the conflict as a means to support democracy and freedom of expression. IFLA also asks libraries to support any Ukrainian refugees. …”

For more information, read the rest of the statement.

EveryLibrary Institute Issues Report on Health Literacy

INFOdocket’s Gary Price shared news from the EveryLibrary Institute, which states, “Low health literacy levels account for hundreds of billions of dollars spent each year on health care that would otherwise be unnecessary, with recent estimates settling around $236 billion. … In order to fund and utilize libraries and librarians in realizing health literacy goals, new policies must be created. That is why EveryLibrary Institute has commissioned a report on the effects of Low Health Literacy.”

The report “review[s] current issues with understanding and delivering health literacy services and make[s] recommendations for changes to systems for better outcomes.”

For more information, visit INFOdocket.

The Association of Research Libraries Makes Supportive Statement Toward Ukraine

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) published the following:

We stand with and in support of our professional colleagues in Ukraine and with all caught in the humanitarian crisis and military action—and with their family and friends. …

It is also vitally important to protect the body of knowledge, research, and creativity that exists in and is unique to Ukraine. We support efforts from within our global community to do so. We encourage political leaders in Canada, the United States, and the international community to work together in restoring peace and safety. …

For more information, read the rest of the statement.

EBLIDA Advocates for Ukrainian Refugees

EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations) created a hub for information about refugees, writing that libraries should “give a warm welcome, a safe place to Ukrainian refugees during this difficult time. Provide them with whatever support they can offer, books and other media as well as access to information and education.” In addition, it lists ways to help and aggregates statements from European organizations and others.

For more information, visit the webpage.

Innovative Rolls Out the Vega Guide for Discover Solution

Innovative, part of Clarivate, launched Vega Guide for Discover, “an additional solution available to Vega Discover libraries, to drive better patron engagement with the online catalog through customizable content and interactive tours.”

Libraries can use it to “easily post announcements on Vega Discover without any additional coding skills or requests to Innovative. In addition, libraries can create customized tours for users on any topic they want, such as guiding new users through refining search results or showing patrons how to make the most of their My Bookshelf features. Innovative will also provide personalized and established guides, messaging and design templates to help libraries immediately start using Vega Guide for Discover.”

For more information, read the press release.

IFLA and SLA Trailblazer Donna Scheeder Dies at 74

IFLA president Barbara Lison wrote an obituary for Donna Scheeder, who died of cancer on March 7, 2022, at age 74. Scheeder had been an IFLA president and treasurer and was an IFLA Honorary Fellow, and she served on IFLA’s Governing Board. Lison writes:

Her presidential theme, Libraries: A Call for Action, encompassed her life and being. … Throughout her presidency, Donna was a key part of lengthy negotiations resulting in the [eventual] awarding of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Legacy Grant to IFLA in 2016. … As President, Donna Scheeder represented the Federation at events in many countries, travelling widely with her agenda to change mindsets and galvanise librarians into action. She spoke on behalf of our profession at a session of the United Nations in 2015 highlighting the role of libraries in helping achieve the proposed UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and outlining the importance of increased access to information as a cross-cutting issue within the framework. She was a sharp thinker and had boundless energy to share and motivate colleagues.

Hillrag also ran an obituary for Scheeder, with Elizabeth O’Gorek calling her a “[c]ommunity advocate and noted librarian.” Scheeder began her career at the Congressional Research Service, where she held various positions, including deputy CIO, until her retirement in 2015, O’Gorek notes. She was an active member of SLA, serving as president from 2000 to 2001.

Scheeder was dedicated to her Capitol Hill neighborhood. O’Gorek writes, “She was an advocate for the community throughout the development of the Hine School Project and the renovation of Eastern Market Plaza. She was also on the Board of Directors for the Hill Center, and was elected President of the Board in June 2020.”

For more information, read IFLA’s obituary and Hillrag’s obituary.

Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor Brandi Scardilli
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