Weekly News Digest
March 26, 2019 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Google Funding Helps Altmetric and Nature Study the Impact of Journalism
Altmetric and Nature will get backing from the Google News Initiative’s Digital News Innovation Fund to create what they are calling a “change the world impact tracker” digital platform for measuring the real-world impact of journalism, including driving policy changes, triggering investigations, or inspiring social media debates. The press release notes that “article badges and dashboards [will display] impact information to readers, editors, publishers and funders. This helps to demonstrate the value of journalism to readers, and helps to make the case that journalism is worth investing in.”“Altmetric has extensive experience and established technology tracking scientific article impacts, and partnering with Nature will allow us to apply that expertise to their high quality journalism,” says Kathy Christian, Altmetric’s CEO. For more information, read the press release.
QxMD Adds Continuing Medical Education Courses to New Web App
QxMD introduced continuing medical education (CME) programming to its membership community of healthcare professionals. They can now access CME options and earn credits via the new Learn by QxMD web app, in addition to earning credits via the free Read by QxMD app. Learn by QxMD offers short videos, interactive polls and quizzes, and other short-format content.Daniel Schwartz, QxMD’s CEO and medical director, says, “Learn by QxMD is a perfect solution for professionals like me and for content sponsors who are aligned around the need to stay current with relevant practice-changing information—from disease states and diagnosis to treatment optimization and more. The Learn app is an especially convenient supplement to traditional CME options, offering clinicians a new convenient option for bite-sized learning on the go.” For more information, read the press release.
Foreign Affairs Magazine Joins Exact Editions' Politics Collection
Exact Editions now offers 5 years of back issues (from January 2014) for Foreign Affairs, which covers major geopolitical issues and topics such as international order, political ideologies, and economics in articles, essays, book reviews, and more. This digital archive becomes part of Exact Editions’ Politics Collection, alongside seven other titles, including New Internationalist, New Statesman, and The Spectator.For more information, read the blog post.
PLA Plans Webinars on Cultural Intelligence in Libraries
The Public Library Association (PLA) is hosting a webinar series for library professionals on cultural intelligence (CQ). CQ is “a person’s ability to function effectively across the boundaries that divide nations, ethnic groups and organizations,” according to PLA.Led by Marla Ehlers, assistant director of the Grand Rapids Public Library in Michigan, the series consists of two parts: The first will focus on building CQ skills (i.e., core concepts and competencies), and the second will focus on applying them to library work (and how they can inform policies, services, and programs). The first webinar, Building CQ: Fostering Our Cultural Intelligence, will be held April 4, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. EDT. The second webinar, Applying CQ: Shaping Culturally Intelligent Libraries, will be held April 11, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. EDT. For more information and the pricing structure, read the press release.
Jisc Unveils Voter Registration Service for College Students
Jisc, in consultation with the Academic Registrars Council (ARC) and the Association of Heads of University Administration (AHUA), created a voter registration service for U.K. university students, which will launch on April 1, 2019. Jisc explains:It is hoped that the new technology will help to increase democratic engagement from a voting cohort that is under-represented in elections. It will also significantly reduce the administrative burden on universities, which are required by law to enable students to sign on to the electoral register. … With students’ consent, the service will collect information from the university (such as date of birth and full name) and the student (National Insurance Number) and automatically transfer it to the relevant, participating electoral registrars at local authorities, so reducing the administrative burden on universities of working with multiple council registrars across the UK. For more information, read the news.
Credder Aims to Aggregate Scores of News Articles
Frederic Filloux reports the following for Monday Note:No one has ever attempted to create a review system for news comparable to what Rotten Tomatoes is to the movie business. Reasons are multiple: assembling a team of reviewers for news is tricky; the appreciation of news material itself is highly subjective; bias is an issue as readers who chose to evaluate a story usually [harbor a] strong opinion about it; the whole process is vulnerable to manipulation and trolling—especially in an increasingly polarized society … Credder, a startup based North of San Francisco, sits at the opposite of our Deepnews.ai project. While we try to rely exclusively on algorithms to evaluate stories, Credder is all about human scoring. The platform is currently in private beta. You can register to get an invitation. The public beta will be launched in May. For more information, read the article.
Reprints Desk's Article Galaxy Integrates With EBSCO Discovery Service
EBSCO Information Services partnered with Reprints Desk to integrate Reprints Desk’s Article Galaxy solution into EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). Mutual academic and government customers can use EDS to streamline the discovery-to-delivery process, getting PDFs to library patrons on demand. According to EBSCO, “With the new partnership, users of the EDS will benefit from access to articles from 40,000 journals and chapters from 400,000 books and native PDF documents, delivered within minutes, at any time.”For more information, read the press release.
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Brandi Scardilli