Weekly News Digest
June 15, 2017 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Thomson Reuters Establishes New Partnerships for ProView and Eikon
Thomson Reuters ProView teamed up with Lucidea to give organizations integrated access to its ebooks via Lucidea’s library management solutions. Lucidea’s SydneyEnterprise and Inmagic GeniePlus users have the ability to benefit from ProView’s features—including navigation, annotation, and sharing within digital libraries and titles—without leaving the library catalog. They can search for a title and view its record along with a direct link to the ProView version.Additionally, Thomson Reuters Eikon is planning an integration with the Symphony workflow platform to help financial professionals collaborate and share information. Mutual customers will be able to share Eikon objects—such as charts, news, and data—via Symphony’s messaging and collaboration platform. For more information, read the press releases on ProView and Eikon.
Pew Research Center Looks at the Future of the Internet of Things
Pew Research Center’s Internet & Technology division published “The Internet of Things Connectivity Binge: What Are the Implications?” This report is based on a study of 1,201 technologists, scholars, practitioners, strategic thinkers, and others by Pew and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center. Pew’s Lee Rainie and Janna Anderson summarize the findings as follows: “Despite wide concern about cyberattacks, outages and privacy violations, most experts believe the Internet of Things will continue to expand successfully the next few years, tying machines to machines and linking people to valuable resources, services and opportunities.” For more information, read the report’s summary.
NBC News Starts Video Journalism Unit
NBC News introduced NBC Left Field, a digital video unit composed of cinematographers, journalists, animators, and social media “gurus” who will cover international headlines in short docs and features designed for social media sharing. Staffers speak a variety of languages, including Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, and Afrikaans. NBC Left Field aims to showcase “beautiful cinematography, [be] an attempt to think creatively about the telling of these stories and … directly interact with audiences in new ways.”For more information, read the press release.
Forbes Insights and D&B Study Businesses' Relationships to Analytics
Forbes Insights and D&B released “Analytics Accelerates Into the Mainstream,” which explores how analytics drives the activities, including strategies and operations, of 300-plus companies in North America, Britain, and Ireland. The report “showcases the critical need for immediate investment, prioritization and implementation of analytics within companies,” according to the press release. It recommends that companies should create a solid foundation of data analysis now, or they may fall behind their competitors.For more information, read the press release.
SSRN Introduces BioRN
SSRN launched the Biology Research Network (BioRN). Biology researchers can use it to post preprints and working papers, share ideas, and collaborate, as well as read abstracts and full-text papers for free. So far, it has nearly 4,500 papers from 6,500 authors.“BioRN will enable close collaboration between the life and social sciences across a variety of disciplines, encourage constructive feedback from peers and enhance researchers’ reputations,” says Gregg Gordon, SSRN’s managing director. “Whether you’re a biology student or a senior researcher, sharing your work and collaborating on BioRN has many advantages.” For more information, read the news.
Library of Congress Welcomes Teen Interns
The Library of Congress (LC) is rolling out an internship program for 50 high school juniors and seniors from diverse backgrounds. The Inclusive Internship Initiative (III) will begin on June 16 with training sessions at the LC. The Public Library Association (PLA) is funding the program through a pre-professional Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant.For more information, read the press release.
LinkedIn Learning Adds Customized Content
LinkedIn updated LinkedIn Learning to make it possible for users to add their own content to the platform alongside LinkedIn’s elearning courses. The content can be in any format, including PowerPoint, PDF, video, or article. It provides “one easy place to discover and track more of [an] organization’s on-demand content.”For more information, read the blog post.
bepress' Digital Commons Network Reaches Half a Billion Downloads
bepress announced that OA scholarship available in its Digital Commons Network of full-text articles has been downloaded more than half a billion times from 500-plus institutions from around the world, including universities, liberal arts colleges, healthcare networks, law schools, and research institutes. According to the press release, “[T]he most frequently downloaded content comprises scholarship that is not freely available anywhere else.” The Digital Commons Network features content such as open educational resources (OERs), gray literature, archives and special collections, peer-reviewed journals, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.For more information, read the press release.
New York Academy of Medicine Library Debuts New Website
The New York Academy of Medicine Library rolled out its new digital collections and exhibits website. Anyone from around the world can use it to explore highlights of the library’s collections on the history of medicine and public health. For example, the library has 500 Greek and Roman recipes from the 4th and 5th centuries and 19th-century pharmaceutical trade cards from the U.S. and France.For more information, read the press release.
The British Library Presents Monty Python's Life of Palin
Writer, actor, comedian, and television presenter Michael Palin donated an archive of his personal literary and creative artifacts (collected from 1965 to 1987) to the British Library. It includes more than 50 notebooks of Monty Python drafts, material, and remembrances; personal diaries; and project files of his film, television, and literary works (correspondence, annotated scripts, etc.).“My work has been inspired by, and created in, this country, so I’m very pleased that my archive has been accepted by the British Library, and that they will make it publicly available, so that future generations will know not to make the same mistakes again,” says Palin. For more information, read the press release.
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli