Weekly News Digest
April 6, 2017 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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European Commission Mulls Over OA Publishing Platform
According to Science, the European Commission (EC) is entertaining the possibility of “set[ting] up a ‘publishing platform’ for the scientists it funds, in an attempt to accelerate the transition to open-access publishing in Europe.” The EC currently spends more than €10 billion (about $10.7 billion) on research each year.Science continues, “Last year, European leaders adopted an ambitious plan to make all papers published in the union open access by 2020. But the new plan suggests the commission believes the publishing industry is moving too slowly, says Leo Waaijers, a former chief librarian at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. ‘I think there’s an element of desperation here,’ says Waaijers, who welcomes the new idea.” For more information, read the article.
Kudos Shares Findings of Survey on Article Sharing
Kudos released the results of a survey it conducted in partnership with 10 publishers. The 7,500-plus respondents revealed their current article-sharing behaviors and showed that usage of scholarly collaboration networks such as ResearchGate are widespread, thanks to the ease of accessing full-text content, as well as, to a lesser extent, finding and connecting with other researchers. Additional survey results include the following:- 57% of respondents indicated that they use scholarly collaboration networks to upload their own work, and 66% use such sites to access otherwise inaccessible content. …
- Of those respondents using ResearchGate, 66% indicated that they use the site at least weekly. …
- 83% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that publisher/journal copyright and sharing policies should be respected, but 60% agreed or strongly agreed that they should be allowed to upload articles regardless of publisher/journal policies; 21% didn’t realize publisher/journal copyright or policies might apply when they are sharing their work in scholarly collaboration networks.
For more information, read the blog post.
DuraSpace Reveals Details of Endangered Data Week
DuraSpace announced that Endangered Data Week will take place April 17–21, 2017. The goals for this initiative include raising awareness of threats to publicly available data and building a community that knows how to make endangered data more accessible and secure. Events are designed to publicize dataset availability, increase critical engagement with data, encourage advocacy for open data policies, and build up participants’ skills involved in data curation, documentation and discovery, improved access, and preservation.For more information, read the article.
NASA Rolls Out Image, Audio, and Video Hub
NASA created a resource, the NASA Image and Video Library, which allows the public to search for and download more than 140,000 images, videos, and audio files from 60-plus collections on its website. Topics include aeronautics, astrophysics, Earth science, and human spaceflight. An API allows users to embed content in their own sites, and new and archival content will be continually added.For more information, read the press release.
IFLA Embarks on Mapping the World's Libraries
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is working on the IFLA Library Map of the World, which is planned for release in August 2017. It is “a representative source of basic library statistics and a robust tool for providing a worldwide comparison of different library performance metrics, mapped by country level data,” according to the map’s About page. In March 2017, IFLA distributed a survey to gather a basic set of performance metrics from all types of libraries in as many countries as possible, such as the number of libraries a country has, how many provide internet access, the number of staffers and volunteers at each library, and libraries’ number of registered users, visitors, and loans.For more information, read the About page.
DPLA Lays Out Future Ebook Strategies
The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) announced its upcoming plans for “working to expand the discoverability, accessibility, and availability of ebooks for the general public.” This includes “[f]acilitating discovery of free, open content; unlocking previously gated content through new licensing and/or access models; and facilitating better purchasing options for libraries.”For more information, read the blog post.
Clarivate Analytics Rolls Out Citation Index Improvements
Clarivate Analytics added more journal titles to its Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), bringing the total to more than 7,500. Part of the Web of Science, ESCI features “high-quality, peer-reviewed publications representing both regional importance and emerging scientific fields not well-covered in more established journals.” Later in 2017, Clarivate will debut a 10-year archive of ESCI dating back to 2005. It will have more than 1.5 million records from 2,700-plus global publishers, acting as a supplement to the Web of Science in all subject areas and emerging fields.For more information, read the press release.
Cambridge University Press Helps Foreign-Language Authors Polish Their Work
Cambridge University Press and American Journal Experts (AJE) partnered on a new language-editing service for prospective authors who write in English as their second language. They can visit the Cambridge Editing Services site to submit their manuscripts, and AJE will provide editing by experts in the author’s field.For more information, read the press release.
JSTOR Sustainability Provides Works on Environmental Sustainability
JSTOR collaborated with think tanks, publishers, universities, and researchers to develop its new Sustainability resource, which features journals, policy research, and books on environmental sustainability and resilience. It also has tools—topic pages, theme-based searching, etc.—for exploring topics such as agricultural economics, green energy, climatology, and sustainable business practices.For more information, read the press release.
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli