Weekly News Digest
May 26, 2016 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
LittleSis and MuckRock Work to Uncover Police Social Media Monitoring Practices
The LittleSis political watchdog network partnered with the MuckRock collaborative news site to look into how police in the U.S. monitor, track, and archive public social media posts. LittleSis has filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with 20 police departments for information on eight social media monitoring companies: BrightPlanet, Geofeedia, ZeroFOX, Intrado, LifeRaft, Magnet Forensics, Media Sonar, and Signal. The requested information includes the police forces’ contracts with the companies, records of correspondence with them, social media monitoring policy documents, and records of archived social media posts.For more information, read the blog post.
W3C Releases Drafts Concerning Data Sharing on the Web
The World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group is asking for feedback on three recently published documents: Data on the Web Best Practices (advice for data sharing on the web to maximize discovery and reuse) and its accompanying vocabularies, Dataset Usage Vocabulary (a framework for structuring citations, comments, and data uses within applications) and Data Quality Vocabulary (a framework for describing the quality of a dataset).For more information, read the press release.
Stanford Shows Private Information Is Accessible via Phone Metadata
Stanford University announced the official release of a study, “Evaluating the Privacy Properties of Telephone Metadata,” which shows that telephone metadata (e.g., numbers, times, and lengths of phone communications) can reveal “a surprising amount of personal detail.” Researchers aimed to fill the knowledge gaps in the National Security Agency’s (NSA) metadata-collection program, and they found out from their work with more than 800 volunteers that sensitive information, such as health problems and gun ownership, is discoverable by monitoring only the metadata of calls, not their content.For more information, read the press release.
Crossref Links Articles With Clinical Trial Data
Crossref now offers the ability to link all published articles related to individual clinical trials from the CrossMark dialogue box with the Linked Clinical Trials feature. People who read an article can view a list of clinical trials related to it as well as all other articles related to those clinical trials (found using the trial’s registration number). This will help researchers evaluate bias and selective reporting in an article. Crossref encourages publishers and journals to submit their clinical trial metadata. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Libraries, PLOS, and BioMed Central are already on board.For more information, read the blog post.
Ex Libris Group Widens Its Reach in Spain
Ex Libris Group is expanding its partnership with GreenData, a Barcelona, Spain-based technology company that is Ex Libris’ exclusive distributor to the Spanish market. Under their agreement, GreenData will remain an Ex Libris business development partner, but the marketing, sales, and support responsibilities and their teams will come under Ex Libris’ purview. This will allow Ex Libris staffers to work more closely with Spanish customers as well as with Madrid-based Ex Libris and ProQuest staffers.For more information, read the press release.
LexisNexis Unveils Tool for Analyzing Rule of Law Scores
LexisNexis Legal & Professional introduced the LexisNexis Rule of Law Impact Tracker, an interactive online tool showing how the rule of law is measured and why it is important. It also quantifies the relationship between the rule of law and social and economic development—including wealth, child mortality, homicide rates, and life expectancy—by offering numerical impacts of the advancement of the rule of law. Users can calculate the effects of improvements in the rule of law score on these factors.For more information, read the press release.
LearningExpress Rolls Out Resource for High School Students
EBSCO Information Services’ LearningExpress released PrepSTEP High School Edition to help students improve their college and career readiness. This collection of academic, college-preparation, and career-related resources—interactive tutorials, practice tests, articles, and ebooks, etc.—can help students study for the SAT and other tests, including occupational tests; build skills in English, math, science, and computers; search for colleges; and learn about military careers and workplace skills.For more information, read the press release.
New Magazines Come to ZINIO for Libraries
ZINIO added nearly 4,000 titles from Bauer Media Group, including Woman’s World, In Touch, Life & Style, and J-14, for its U.S. and Canadian library customers. ZINIO will be the exclusive delivery channel for these magazines.“Following the launch of Bauer Media Group USA on the ZINIO Newsstand earlier in the year, it was a natural progression to extend their distribution to the Zinio for Libraries service,” says Joan Sola, ZINIO’s EVP for global markets. “ZINIO continues to develop valuable strategic channels for our publishers and we are certain that Zinio for Libraries will prove to be a key outlet for the Bauer Media Group USA titles.” For more information, read the press release.
dtSearch Engine Is Embedded in E-Discovery Tool
ONE Discovery, Inc.’s e-discovery and trial preparation platform integrated dtSearch Corp.’s dtSearch Engine to give its customers full-text search capabilities. The engine can index large datasets and do quick text retrieval, making the ONE Discovery platform more accurate and efficient. The platform is easily scalable for any size operation, and it allows for project management from a single dashboard.For more information, read the press release.
IEEE Provides Standards in HTML
The IEEE Xplore Digital Library added more than 1,000 IEEE standards in interactive HTML format. Users will be able to easily navigate standards documents to find technical information. Other features include the ability to quickly scan documents; view a mini gallery of the figures, tables, and multimedia in a standard; view the history of a standard; access a mini table of contents and a floating navigation panel; search within a standard; and read standards more easily on mobile devices.For more information, read the press release.
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli