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Weekly News Digest

April 12, 2016 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.

CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.

SAGE Announces New Journal

SAGE will begin publishing the open access (OA) journal Methodological Innovations, which focuses on “debating and considering innovation within, and the wider issues around, innovative research methods.” It will feature peer-reviewed articles that discuss methodological advances and issues in social research methods.

For more information, read the press release.

New Pew Report Looks at Libraries and Education

Pew Research Center’s Internet, Science & Tech division released a new report, “Libraries and Learning,” which finds that 76% of respondents believe libraries serve the educational needs of their communities “very well” or “pretty well.” Library users tend to think of themselves as “lifelong learners”—97% of users say the term applies “very well” or “pretty well”; 98% of library website users feel the same way.

For more information, read the report’s summary.

Google Scholar Will Index Brill Books

Google Scholar will index Brill’s edited book volumes and ebooks. It already indexes the publisher’s journal articles, and Brill and its platform provider Ingenta have changed the platform to allow book content to be indexed for better discoverability.

“We have been working closely with Google Scholar for some time now, looking at innovative ways to link researchers with the wealth of information available via our platforms. Our work on BrillOnline should significantly improve the discovery of its book titles via the indexing facility and ultimately drive more traffic to the site as a result,” says Justin Ackerman, Ingenta’s customer services director.

For more information, read the press release.

Thomson Reuters Partners With African Development Organization

The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters is working with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) to help the region increase its innovative output. Thomson Reuters will provide NEPAD with data for evaluating key innovation indicators, training on how to evaluate these indicators and for how to track scientific research across Africa, help in creating academic research and proprietary white papers, and the inclusion of African journal data into international indexes to make the data more visible and accessible.

For more information, read the press release.

R Street Institute Works Toward Improved Congressional Governance

The R Street Institute introduced its Governance Project, “an effort to assess and improve the state of America’s system of national self-governance, with particular attention to Congress.” Its tagline is “Let’s make Congress great again.” As a complement to the project, the institute published Congressional Research Service (CRS) annual reports from the past 20 years for online viewing and downloading.

For more information, read the blog post.

BASE Search Engine Reaches Milestone

BASE, a search engine for academic, open access (OA) web resources, posted on Twitter that it has indexed 90 million documents. Operated by Bielefeld University Library in Germany, BASE collects, normalizes, and indexes data using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Users can access the full texts of about 60% of indexed content.

Bookmetrix Platform Celebrates First Anniversary

Springer announced that its Bookmetrix platform for near-real-time title- and chapter-level metrics has gained steam in its first year. In addition to Springer’s books, Palgrave Macmillan books are in the process of being added, and Springer will start a pilot with Brill’s books. Bookmetrix is getting more than 750,000 page views per month of its more than 225,000 books and nearly 4 million chapters.

For more information, read the press release.

SurveyMonkey Adds Competitive Intelligence Platform

SurveyMonkey rolled out the app insights platform SurveyMonkey Intelligence, which helps product managers, marketers, and public market and venture investors compare data from more than 1,000 apps. It can provide information such as which apps are most popular for listening to music, streaming TV shows, or finding a date. Interested users can try the platform for free.

For more information, read the blog post.

Ebook Discounts Service Launches

Bookticker, Inc., a data-driven ebook deals site, had its official launch. It uses metadata feeds from its publisher partners, including Macmillan Publishers and HarperCollins Publishers, to identify price reductions in best-sellers, publisher-promoted books, and books whose price drops independent of a promotion. The site is designed to help customers find deals they might not otherwise know about, as well as to help publishers publicize their own promotions. Customers can search by genre or publishing house, giving publishers a way to expand their branding.

For more information, read the blog post.

APA Launches Mental Health Journal

The American Psychological Association (APA) launched the Practice Innovations journal, which features clinical, practical, and applied research articles on standards, practices, and methods for training mental health professionals. It is published quarterly, with articles designed to improve clinical and consulting practices at different levels (individual, family, or community, etc.). Editor Steven Walfish is a clinical assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University’s School of Medicine.

For more information, read the press release.

Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor Brandi Scardilli
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