Weekly News Digest
December 8, 2015 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
LexisNexis Produces Journal; Updates Lexis Practice Advisor
LexisNexis Legal & Professional launched The Lexis Practice Advisor Journal, a quarterly publication for transactional lawyers on news, trends, and issues that impact their practice. It is produced by LexisNexis’ editorial team and written by practicing lawyers, with the first issue (Winter 2015/2016) available to current and future subscribers of Lexis Practice Advisor.Additionally, LexisNexis added new forms, practice notes, news, legal content, and resources to Lexis Practice Advisor, as well as New York Business and Commercial, a new jurisdictional offering for New York-based attorneys. For more information, read the press release.
NFAIS Announces 2016 Miles Conrad Award Recipient
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) announced that Deanna Marcum will receive the 2016 Miles Conrad Award and give the annual Miles Conrad Memorial Lecture at the NFAIS Annual Conference in February 2016 for her accomplishments in librarianship and in helping to establish a digital future for libraries. As Ithaka S+R’s managing director, Marcum guides universities, libraries, publishers, and others in navigating economic and technological changes. She was previously associate librarian for library services at the Library of Congress.“Over the course of her distinguished career, she has brought vital leadership and vision to the many tasks involved in bringing our nation’s libraries well into the digital era. As in all institutions of higher education and in schools and communities across the country, Deanna’s work continues to make libraries stand as essential resources for scholarship, research and the free flow of credible, quality information,” says Marcie Granahan, NFAIS’ executive director. For more information, read the press release.
SAGE Publishes Economics and Society Textbook
SAGE Publications released The SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, a four-volume exploration of the economic processes behind contemporary issues and their impact on social and cultural life. Designed for students and researchers, it has about 800 articles on topics such as advertising and marketing, childhood and economics, health and healthcare, and immigrants and immigration. It is available in print and digital formats and comes with a reader’s guide, glossary, resource guide, and chronology of economics and society from 1692 to 2014.For more information, read the press release.
NLM Rolls Out Health Literacy Instrument Resource
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Boston University School of Medicine launched the Health Literacy Tool Shed, a free, online database of more than 100 peer-reviewed health literacy instruments. Researchers can use it to select a health literacy research instrument and learn background information, as well as compare various instruments.“[T]his new resource will help researchers provide new insights into how to ensure clear communication within health care settings and how to increase health literacy throughout populations,” says Betsy Humphreys, NLM’s acting director. For more information, read the press release.
HighWire Press Commits to Scholarly Annotation Initiative
HighWire Press joined Annotating All Knowledge, an organization dedicated to exploring the benefits of building an open, common framework for scholarly annotation. With this coalition, HighWire will work to create and implement a standards-based, open web layer that allows researchers to gather notes and link them across the web.“There are many forms of annotations, from public or private group discussions to personal notes and peer review,” says Tara Robenalt, HighWire’s VP of product strategy and marketing. “[W]e recognize the value that an open, standard approach will bring to both publishers (to extend reach) and researchers (to increase efficiency).” For more information, read the press release.
ST Imaging and nextScan Join Forces
ST Imaging acquired nextScan, a microfilm scanner and workflow software technology manufacturer. Both companies will be able to offer new products and services to their customers by combining their resources and technology. nextScan’s products can capture and process images at up to 2,000 frames per minute. It will continue to operate out of its own offices, and neither company will change its customer relationships or interactions.“The mission and corporate direction of both ST Imaging and nextScan have historically been to lower the cost of microfilm and microfiche conversion and provide increased access to film libraries. This new partnership will enable large and complex conversion projects to be financially feasible,” says Bruce Rennecker, VP and general manager of ST Imaging. For more information, read the press release.
JSTOR Works on Interdisciplinary Research Methods
Teams from JSTOR Labs and the University of Washington’s DataLab partnered to test and develop tools for improving interdisciplinary research practices. Their results were incorporated into the beta site JSTOR Sustainability, which hosts a broad range of scholarly articles and research reports about environmental stresses and their impact on society. To facilitate the collaboration, JSTOR Labs used the “flash builds” process of continual user feedback so the teams could go from ideation to a tested prototype in 1 week.For more information, read the press release.
Boopsie Adds Zinio Magazines to Library App
Boopsie for Libraries integrated the ZINIO magazine service into its mobile platform as a service to give its library customers access to an additional 5,500 magazines from publishers such as Recorded Books. More than 3,000 articles are available daily via the mobile app. ZINIO also offers international titles from 30-plus countries.“It’s clear that users are trending towards mobile access to news and we want libraries to know that we’re here to help them quickly and efficiently respond to these evolving user preferences,” says Megan Vizzini, Boopsie’s VP of sales and accounts. For more information, read the press release.
APA Reaches PsycINFO Milestone
The American Psychological Association (APA) announced that it indexed the 4 millionth record in the PsycINFO database of scholarly psychology literature. Since 2010, when APA announced the database’s 3 millionth record, it has added more than 200 new journals and 10,000-plus new books.“PsycINFO’s coverage now extends from the 1892 founding of the field of psychology as a separate discipline to the diverse array of research topics explored by modern-day psychologists across health, education, human factors, mental health, neuroscience, social processes and many other areas of investigation,” says Gary R. VandenBos, APA’s publisher. For more information, read the press release.
ScienceOpen Adds Altmetrics Functionality to Its Platform
ScienceOpen joined forces with Altmetric to track the media, policy, and social media references for its more than 10 million article records. Literature searches can now be sorted by Altmetric score, and search results are fully filterable by article citations and Altmetric scores.“The Altmetric score is a powerful indicator of attention. The online activity it represents accumulates much more rapidly than citations, and takes into account interest from outside the scientific community that might otherwise be overlooked. By adding this as a search and filter criteria, ScienceOpen can provide users with yet another way to get the most out of their literature search,” says Stephanie Dawson, ScienceOpen’s CEO. For more information, read the press release.
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli