Weekly News Digest
January 27, 2015 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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TLC Provides SocialFlow to Libraries
The Library Corp. (TLC) became the exclusive provider of the SocialFlow service to libraries. SocialFlow can help them optimize their social media presence by analyzing patrons’ real-time conversational data within their social streams and automatically delivering relevant social media content to the best audience at the right time, maximizing their engagement with the library.SocialFlow works with social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. It can optimize the social media presence of any library no matter its automation system. TLC is now the only library vendor to offer this service. Source: The Library Corp.
LYRASIS Signs On to Support the Open Library of Humanities
LYRASIS agreed to become the Open Library of Humanities’ (OLH) exclusive North American membership and administrative agent. The OLH is supported by a consortium of libraries that share the cost of payments for gold open access (OA) humanities journals, instead of placing the burden on individual authors or institutions. Now LYRASIS will help the OLH reach potential library partners in North America that can facilitate more OA opportunities in the humanities disciplines.LYRASIS also partners with other organizations in the OA field, including Knowledge Unlatched, REVEAL DIGITAL, and SCOAP3. Source: LYRASIS
EBSCO Partners With AMA to Promote Medical Journals
EBSCO Information Services expanded its partnership with the AMA (American Medical Association) to further promote the global visibility and adoption of the AMA’s medical journals. In addition to continuing to make the journals available via its subscription services, EBSCO is now acting as a direct sales agent for The JAMA Network by selling journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), JAMA Dermatology, JAMA Neurology, and JAMA Pediatrics.The JAMA Network journals under this partnership agreement are indexed in many EBSCO databases, so the organizations are working on maximizing technology to ensure proper linking between EBSCO’s hosted indexes and the AMA ejournal platform for their mutual customers. Linking via EBSCO Discovery Service and other products, including DynaMed, will also be provided. Source: EBSCO Information Services
Gale Introduces New Apps for Analytics on Demand
Gale, part of Cengage Learning, added three apps to Analytics on Demand, its Big Data analytics solution for public libraries: Marketing Action (Patrons), Marketing Action (Non-Patrons), and Branch Insights. They are designed to help libraries demonstrate their value to their communities and stakeholders by deploying targeted direct marketing programs to current and prospective library users. These apps also help them better understand how existing patrons interact with individual branches across a system.Here are their key features: - Marketing Action (Patrons)—Allows libraries to analyze demographic, psychographic and other information on existing library users to inform the development of new campaigns. Direct mail and email lists can be customized by a variety of demographic and psychographic filters.
- Marketing Action (Non-Patrons)—Similar to that for patrons, this app enables libraries to generate mailing lists of non-cardholders based on specific criteria related to their household composition. Direct mail campaigns and maps help libraries target key geographies, and identify potential partner businesses and organizations.
- Branch Insights—Tracks cardholders’ use across various branches in a single library system and provides insight into where and how individual consumer types are engaging the library system, so they can tailor the materials, programs, services and outreach at the branch-level.
Source: Cengage Learning
W3C Backs Internet of Things Market With New Standards Initiative
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) launched a Web of Things initiative to develop web standards that will enable open markets of applications and services that are based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and the web of data. A Web of Things Interest Group—now accepting new members—will drive work on use cases, requirements, and best practices. Its goal is to build a shared vision and to identify specific opportunities for standardization.According to the press release, IoT work has focused on the sensors and actuators that comprise it as well as its associated communication technologies. The W3C wants to encourage attention to “what is needed for services to break free of today’s product silos,” including discovery support, interoperation of services, security, privacy, and accessibility. Source: World Wide Web Consortium
Zepheira Prepares Institutions for Working With Linked Data
Zepheira introduced the Linked Data Readiness Assessment (RA) Product, which helps libraries and memory organizations determine the state of their current collections, systems, and staffing to decide how they can become more visible online by using linked data. With the RA Product, institutions can get a data-driven assessment of their preparedness and formulate a plan for next steps with help from Zepheira’s staffers.“RA gives us the chance to size up where we are in terms of resources, software systems, and data with Zepheira’s experts,” says Michelle Jeske, Denver Public Library’s director of collections, technology, and innovation. “At the end of the assessment, we will have a roadmap that will guide us as we take steps to improve the ways in which we serve those in our community searching for our resources online.” Source: Zepheira
Annual Review of Linguistics Debuts
Annual Reviews rolled out a new journal, the Annual Review of Linguistics, which will cover significant developments in the linguistics field. The first volume is available for free online until January 2016.The journal is designed for both specialists (experts and teachers, etc.) and nonspecialists (students and scholars in related fields, etc.) and will feature reviews that synthesize advances in subjects such as linguistic theory, language acquisition, and the application of linguistics in many domains. Mark Liberman, the journal’s co-editor, says coverage will also include “all scientific approaches to the study of speech, language, and communication, as well as significant applications of linguistics in technology, medicine, law, education, and public policy.” Source: Annual Reviews
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli