Weekly News Digest
January 6, 2015 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
Library of Congress Seeks Applications for National Digital Stewardship Residency
The Library of Congress’ (LC) digital preservation blog, The Signal, announced the official open call for applications for the 2015–2016 National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR). Applications can be submitted via USAJOBS.gov until Jan. 30, 2015, and then five residents will be selected.Created by the LC’s Office of Strategic Initiatives and IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services), the NDSR is held at prominent institutions in the Washington, D.C., area for 12 months beginning in June 2015. Applicants must be graduates with a master’s degree or higher (from spring 2013 through spring 2015) or current doctoral students who have a strong interest in digital stewardship. “Last year’s residents all found employment in fields related to digital stewardship or went on to pursue higher degrees. We hope to replicate that outcome with this class of residents as well as build bridges between the host institutions and the Library of Congress to advance digital stewardship,” says George Coulbourne, the LC’s supervisory program specialist. Source: The Signal
W3C and OGC Advance Spatial Data on the Web
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) partnered with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to improve the interoperability and integration of spatial data on the web. By describing geographic locations, natural features, and man-made structures, location-based consumer services and other applications can enrich their offerings. W3C and OGC’s collaboration will help spatial data publishers, providers of services that consume spatial data, and application developers reduce integration costs for spatial data on the web and establish best practices for publishing it.“Location, as well as providing context to much of today’s online information, is vital to the emerging field of connected devices,” says Ed Parsons, Google’s geospatial technologist and co-chair of W3C’s and OGC’s Spatial Data on the Web working groups. “Through this collaboration we hope to make the understanding of geospatial knowledge a fundamental component of the Web.” Source: World Wide Web Consortium
ByWater Solutions Plans Enhanced Koha Features
ByWater Solutions is in the process of updating the open source Koha ILS. One new development is the integration of five econtent services into Koha’s catalog: OverDrive, Axis 360, Recorded Books, Serials Solutions, and Freading. Now patrons can check out materials from these services from within the Koha catalog. Several other changes are in the pipeline, including the following: - A rewrite of the accounts system is designed to improve the reporting capabilities for fines and enable PayPal integration so patrons can pay their fines from within the OPAC.
- An EDI development that will facilitate electronic ordering and invoicing is in the testing phase.
- Speed enhancements, such as the application of Elasticsearch to the system, will allow larger institutions to use Koha and give the staff and patron interfaces quicker response times.
Source: ByWater Solutions
The U.K. and Ireland Get Their Own Academic Complete
ebrary (a ProQuest business) rolled out a new edition of its Academic Complete subscription database that is designed for researchers in the U.K. and Ireland. It features more than 4,000 unique, region-specific titles only available to users in those areas. Also included in the cost of this new edition is the LibraryThing for Libraries Book Display Widget, which helps libraries create book and ebook displays and highlight key titles in their collections on their homepages, Facebook pages, blogs, and other virtual areas.Academic Complete UKI Version is the first iteration of Academic Complete to introduce locally tailored content into the collection. Leading scholarly publishers across academic disciplines—such as law, social sciences, history, and English literature—provide the content, which can serve as a foundation for a university’s ebook collection. Source: ProQuest
IGI Global Promotes Mentoring Awareness
IGI Global is celebrating National Mentoring Month by featuring reference sources that support the cause of focusing national attention on the need for mentors who can help young people. These titles include Technology as a Tool for Diversity Leadership; Mentoring the Next Generation; and Mentoring for Retention, Promotion, and Advancement.The publisher aims to do the following: - Raise awareness of mentoring in its various forms.
- Recruit individuals to mentor, especially in programs that have waiting lists of young people.
- Promote the rapid growth of mentoring by recruiting organizations to engage their constituents in mentoring.
Source: IGI Global
Cisco Provides Security to Broadband Services Company
Cisco and Charter signed an agreement for Cisco to supply Charter with products—such as its cloud-based security suite, downloadable security solution (DCAS) for set-top boxes, and DRM solutions for video services on a range of IP devices—that support Charter’s next-generation video solution. Cisco will be a key supplier of Charter’s Worldbox video device, which Charter plans to offer to the retail market with the expectation that the devices will function in cable systems using DCAS.“Cisco shares Charter’s vision of the future of network architecture, where our network’s intelligence is located in the cloud rather than in devices at the edge,” says Tom Rutledge, Charter’s president and CEO. Source: Cisco
LexisNexis BAIRs Down on Analytics Company
LexisNexis Risk Solutions intends to acquire BAIR (Behavioral Analysis & Intelligence Resources), an analytical software and services company that provides tools to public safety, national security, and defense entities. The acquisition will help LexisNexis provide this community with comprehensive investigative solutions via BAIR’s analytics, mapping, and visual tools (which identify and predict crime patterns), and LexisNexis’ public records database and linking technology (which add context to crime patterns and locate persons of interest).“The acquisition will be unique in the industry and help public safety officers make better decisions to close cases faster and improve community safety. In an era of constrained budgets, analytics are essential to optimize limited resources and increase overall efficiencies,” says Haywood Talcove, CEO of government and LexisNexis Special Services, Inc. Source: LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli