A Librarian Takes on Oscars 2021: The Diversity We Deserve (From the Year That We Didn't)
by Jessica Hilburn
The 2021 Oscar nominations are here, and boy, do we have some things to talk about. As the dust settled on the 2020 Oscars ceremony, little did we know that the films of the year ahead were going to be seen from the comfort of our homes, or not at all, because of a global pandemic. Despite not being able to go to theaters for risk of potential death, 2020 managed to deliver countless truly great films, some of which were nominated by the mostly older, white male panel of Oscar voters for awards.
'Censorship of Federal Environmental Agency Websites Under Trump: What We Learned and How to Protect Public Information Moving Forward'
Gretchen Gehrke, Marcy Beck, Eric Nost, and Shannan Lenke Stoll write the following in a Union of Concerned Scientists blog post: "Over the last four years, the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI) has documented and analyzed changes to federal environmental websites. What our team found was alarming: unprecedented steps by the Trump administration to manipulate information about environmental issues and laws. ..."
'EFF to Supreme Court: Users Must Be Able to Hold Tech Companies Accountable in Lawsuits When Their Data Is Mishandled'
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) "urged the Supreme Court to rule that consumers can take big tech companies like Facebook and Google to court, including in class action lawsuits, to hold them accountable for privacy and other user data-related violations, regardless of whether they can show they suffered identical harms."
'CyberSecurity Collaborative and Cybereason Launch CISO Stories Podcast'
Cybersecurity Collaborative and Cybereason partnered to create the weekly podcast series CISO Stories, which is available on the major podcast platforms.
ProQuest's 'Panel Tackles the Need for Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in STEM'
When You Picture a Scientist, Who Do You See? is a free virtual event hosted by ProQuest, Scientific American, FILM PLATFORM, and ro*co films on March 24, 2021, at 3 p.m. EDT (registration is required).
'Apple Adds COVID Vaccine Sites to Maps to Help Users Find Appointments'
Jason Cipriani writes the following for ZDNet: "Apple … announced its latest effort to help with the COVID pandemic in the US. iPhone, iPad and Mac users can now ask Siri for help with finding a local COVID vaccine clinic."
Library Futures Institute Is Pushing the Digital Lending Envelope
by Larissa Pack
Library Futures Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering the digital accessibility of libraries, launched in January 2021. It brings both attention and resources to a wide variety of issues libraries are facing as technology use continues to grow, including how libraries can best handle digital lending and the impact publishers have when modifying ebook agreements with libraries.

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