ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Computers in Libraries Connect 2021 registration: click here

Registration NOW OPEN!

Computers in Libraries Connect 2021 brings library and information professionals from all over the world a unique opportunity to gather together and discuss the myriad ways technology continues to impact libraries and the people who use them. You're invited to join us online March 23-25.

Reserve your seat now!


NewsLink Spotlight

Eye of the Beholder: How Media Bias Shapes Perception
by Lauree Padgett
Take a close look at the image that accompanies this story. At first glance, it seems like a nice call for unity. But if you think about it, why are the white people displayed more prominently than the Black people? I knew I had an excellent resource to discuss this in social justice advocate Debbie Vermaat, who agreed to answer questions about media bias.

Weekly News Digests

The Library of Congress Brings People of Color to the Forefront of Historical Study
Kate Zwaard writes the following for the Library of Congress' Of the People: Widening the Path blog: "The [new] Black, Indigenous, and minority Americans Digital Futures Program will sponsor digital projects and partnerships aimed at amplifying the stories of Black Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans and other people of color whose stories have too often been undertold in our nation's history."
Apple Products Go All-In on Black History Month
Apple is bringing Black History Month celebrations to its suite of products in order to "highlight and amplify Black creators, artists, developers, and businesses."
Exploring the Data Around Facial Recognition
Wendy H. Wong's "As U.S. Capitol Investigators Use Facial Recognition, It Begs the Question: Who Owns Our Faces?" for The Conversation states, "Already, plenty of data about millions and millions of faces exist. We have volunteered our faces in social media posts and photos stored in the cloud. But we've yet to determine who owns the data associated with the contours of our faces."
APA Approves of Biden Administration's Policies So Far
The American Psychological Association (APA) issued a statement in support of President Joe Biden's policies addressing "the COVID-19 pandemic, racism, immigration, climate change, LGBTQ rights and access to health care, among others."
Exein Predicts the Next Cybersecurity Trends
In "Predicting the Biggest Trends in Cybersecurity With Exein CEO Gianni Cuozzo," Cuozzo shares three areas of importance: 1) biosecurity, 2) quantum cybersecurity, and 3) embedded security.


Working From Home and Copyright Compliance
by Corilee Christou
As more and more employees are working from home, how they share information and comply with copyright law presents companies with major challenges. Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) has recognized the urgent need to address copyright issues as they relate to this new environment. Along with Outsell, Inc., it recently hosted two meetings: a town hall, When R&D Meets WFH, and a webcast, New Trends in Information Consumption, Copyright Awareness and the Impact of Working From Home.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com