Tuesday, December 01, 2020
Pew Research Center Studies Life During the Pandemic
by Brandi Scardilli
NewsBreaks often covers recent surveys and reports from Pew Research Center, "a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world." This article features some of the latest reports from each section.
Reactions to Penguin Random House's Planned Acquisition of Simon & Schuster
Porter Anderson gathers thoughts for Publishing Perspectives, John Maher shares industry responses for Publishers Weekly, Nate Hoffelder blogs at The Digital Reader, and The Atlantic's Franklin Foer analyzes how Amazon plays into the acquisition.
Bookshop's Imperative to 'Dethrone' Amazon
Kara Weisenstein writes the following: "Launched just last January, the [Bookshop] online bookstore seeks to be the indie alternative to Amazon, with a chunk of proceeds getting kicked back to small stores."
'Reading for Pleasure Can Help Reduce Pandemic Stress, Increase Empathy …' by Eloise Therien
Eloise Therien reports the following for Canadian site Global News: "According to Dr. Robin Bright with the University of Lethbridge, outlets such as reading a novel could boost one's emotional well-being."
COVID-19 NEWS: REALM Project Shares New Findings About the Virus' Survival on Building Materials
OCLC announced the latest results from the Reopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums (REALM) Project, which "is designed to generate scientific information to support the handling of core library, museum, and archival materials as these institutions resume operations and reopen to the public."
bibliotheca Libraries Get Access to ComicsPlus Content
bibliotheca has partnered with LibraryPass and its ComicsPlus service to offer bibliotheca's library customers unlimited, simultaneous access to ComicsPlus' catalog of 20,000-plus digital comics, graphic novels, and manga.
A Roundup of COVID-19's Impact on Higher Education
by Nancy K. Herther
A recent report from The Chronicle of Higher Education notes that by "altering every part of the educational experience," COVID-19 is having a profound effect on the very nature and structure of higher education in the U.S. and around the world.
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