ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Check out these titles from Information Today, Inc.'s catalog ...
by Amy Affelt
In The Accidental Data Scientist, Amy Affelt shows information professionals how to leverage their skills and training to master emerging tools, techniques, and vocabulary; create mission-critical Big Data research deliverables; and discover rewarding new career opportunities by embracing their inner Data Scientist.
2015 | 240 pp/softbound | ISBN 978-1-57387-511-0 | Web Order Price $35.55
Order Now: Print | Ebook (& PDF) | Kindle | Nook | Kobo

by Robert Berkman
In Find It Fast, business research guru Robert Berkman offers authoritative advice on how to locate the best information sources, connect with the experts behind those sources, and combine expert techniques to do fast and effective research on any subject.
2015 | 336 pp/softbound | ISBN 978-1-937290-04-7 | Web Order Price: $22.45
Order Now: Print | Ebook (& PDF) | Kindle | Nook Kobo

NewsLink Spotlight

What Info Pros Are Grateful For
by Brandi Scardilli
Because 2020 has been all kinds of awful, I want to celebrate whatever silver linings we can find. Here are some thoughts from 15 info pros, who share what they're grateful for in their professional lives, new technologies they've adopted, and anything else that comes to mind. I hope their positivity can lift you up and help you reflect on the good things you've experienced this year.

Weekly News Digests

Clarivate Rolls Out Research Scorecard Report Ahead of G20 Summit
Clarivate's Institute for Scientific Information released its annual G20 scorecard report, which uses the Web of Science to analyze the research performance of the world's leading economies.
Urban Libraries Council Works Toward a New Service Model
The Urban Libraries Council (ULC) joined forces with the Salt Lake City Public Library and the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) to develop a Digital Navigators service model for helping "libraries address the new and intensified digital access barriers resulting from COVID-19."
New Survey of American Political Culture Paints a Grim Picture
The University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture published "Democracy in Dark Times," a report based on the latest entry in its Survey of American Political Culture series.
University College London Tool Identifies Fake News Sites as They Crop Up
Researchers at University College London and other institutions teamed up to make "a machine learning tool that identifies new domains created to promote false information so that they can be stopped before the 'fake news' can be spread through social media and online channels."
EBSCO and PowerSchool Make It Easier to Organize Educational Resources
EBSCO Information Services partnered with PowerSchool, a provider of K-12 education technology solutions, "to facilitate easy access and inclusion in course programming for teachers and students via EBSCOed powered by Stacks."


Elsevier Research Advances Understanding of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
by Larissa Pack
A new report released by Elsevier, "The Power of Data to Advance the SDGs," discusses the latest research on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were established by the United Nations. Through the analysis of the last 5 years of published literature, Elsevier revealed the impact of different research topics on SDG progress, expert opinions on the state of research in these areas, and what areas need to continue to grow if the SDGs are to be met.

Unisphere Research ad

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com