ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, November 03, 2020

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NewsLink Spotlight

What Info Pros Are Grateful For
by Brandi Scardilli
Because 2020 has been all kinds of awful, I want to celebrate whatever silver linings we can find. Here are some thoughts from 15 info pros, who share what they're grateful for in their professional lives, new technologies they've adopted, and anything else that comes to mind. I hope their positivity can lift you up and help you reflect on the good things you've experienced this year.

Weekly News Digests

'ALA Decries Latest FCC Failure on Net Neutrality'
ALA announced the following: "On Tuesday, October 27, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) majority approved an order responding to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit's remand in Mozilla v. FCC. The court ordered the FCC to address the impact of its Restoring Internet Freedom Order. ..."
ProQuest Launches Free Resource for Studying Black History
ProQuest introduced the Black Freedom Struggle website, "a curated selection of primary sources for teaching and learning about the struggles and triumphs of Black Americans."
OverDrive Education Studies the Use of Ebooks in Schools
OverDrive Education unveiled the results of a new U.S. school survey finding that "80% of administrators [think] ebooks are very or somewhat valuable in the ability to offer remote learning."
Frontiers Checks In on the Scientific Research Community
Frontiers shared "The Academic Response to COVID-19," the results of its survey of "more than 25,000 members of its scientific research community from 152 countries. ..."
MLconf Online Talk Explores Bias in Natural Language Processing
Lexalytics' chief scientist, Paul Barba, is presenting "Debiasing Contextualized Word Embeddings in NLP" at MLconf Online 2020, which will be held Nov. 6.


How to Use Grant Writing to Offset Library Budget Cuts
by Amber Boedigheimer
So what are some options for supporting a library during the COVID-19 pandemic? My answer would be to either drastically cut spending—or raise revenue. But how do you raise revenue in a time of economic downfall? Grant writing may be the answer.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com