ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

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NewsLink Spotlight

Rolling Out the Welcome Mat at Broward County Library
by Brandi Scardilli
The ALA/Information Today, Inc. Library of the Future Award is presented to an organization that plans, develops, and applies a patron-training program that explores IT in a library setting. The 2020 winner is Broward County Library system in the Fort Lauderdale, Fla., area, for its use of Amazon Echo devices in its branches as part of its Project Welcome initiative, which helps English-language learners and newcomers to the region get comfortable with library services.

Weekly News Digests

The Librarian of Congress Appoints the Next Register of Copyrights
The U.S. Copyright Office announced the following: "Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden announced today that she has appointed Shira Perlmutter as Register of Copyrights and director of the U.S. Copyright Office."
Children's Primary Sources Get the Spotlight at Adam Matthew
Adam Matthew rolled out its newest collection of primary sources, Children's Literature and Culture, which comes from the holdings of the American Antiquarian Society (with additional material from the Winterthur Library).
CCC Introduces Open Access Workflow Services
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) launched Open Access Workflow Services, "a comprehensive consulting practice providing strategic Open Access (OA) and Transformative Agreement workflow support to publishers, funders, institutions and other key stakeholders in the scholarly communications ecosystem."
The IET Plans Blockchain-Focused OA Journal
The IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) unveiled a new gold OA multidisciplinary journal titled IET Blockchain. The first issue will publish in January 2021, and submissions are currently being accepted.
'What James Daunt Did and Did Not Say About Barnes & Noble's Future' by Mike Shatzkin
Mike Shatzkin writes the following on his The Idea Logical Company blog: "In what has to be considered a bit of a coup, BISG Executive Director Brian O'Leary scored a lengthy interview with B&N head James Daunt as the feature of BISG's annual meeting which took place on September 11. Daunt had a lot to say about his plans for change at B&N. ..."


A Double Helping of Challenges During the Pandemic
by Terry Ballard
When libraries started closing their doors due to the pandemic, most jumped into the fray of continuing to offer their services as best as they could. Libraries strived to serve their patrons as well as they ever did, with one hand tied behind their back—even if it was a library that had both hands tied, like Upper Dublin Public Library.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com