ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

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Have you missed our previous COVID-19 coverage? Here are the latest NewsBreaks.

"Going Virtual: Libraries See Challenges and Opportunities in the Pandemic" 

by Terry Ballard

Many librarians are at home and still earning a paycheck. There is a lot of motivation to take their libraries' mission further into cyberspace. The ones who succeed at this effort will return to libraries that are stronger than ever.

"Celebrating Sunshine Week During the COVID-19 Crisis" 

by Barbie Keiser

Some groups shifted Sunshine Week celebrations to virtual events (e.g., webinars); others promised that planned in-person meetings would be rescheduled for a later date. Many of the resource sites were collected in preparation for the annual weeklong initiative.

"Coronavirus Reshapes Law While Reshaping Society"

by George Pike

The virus' impact on law and legal systems is only just beginning to be felt. Among the differences between law and business is that legal structures are slower to change and slower to react to external events. Long-term legal changes may come over time and after more thorough legal and political deliberation.

"How Libraries Are Responding to a Global Pandemic"

by Jessica Hilburn

How do we serve our patrons now? How can we do better? I have some ideas about how we, as information professionals, can help our fellow humans in our collective time of need.

NewsLink Spotlight

Combating Misformation and Disinformation on the Web: A Roundup
by Brandi Scardilli
The act of spreading misinformation and/or disinformation on the internet has been around since before the 2016 presidential election, but it was the campaign and its aftermath that ramped up public knowledge of so-called fake news. Here's a sampling of NewsBreaks' and Information Today's coverage of this ongoing issue over the past several years.

Weekly News Digests

'The "New Normal" Agenda for Librarianship' by R. David Lankes
R. David Lankes writes the following on his site: "This cannot be about trying to predict where things are going to shake out and then running to show our value in that world. It has to be about librarians fighting for social change based on our fundamental and enduring values."
COVID-19 NEWS: 'BiblioCommons Launches New Features to Support Libraries in an Online-Only Environment'
BiblioCommons made updates across its platform to support libraries that are serving their communities from online.
ResearchGate and Wiley Enter Into a Cooperation Agreement
ResearchGate and Wiley are joining forces for a cooperation agreement that allows them "to explore ways in which Wiley and ResearchGate can collaborate to better support the needs of researchers through ResearchGate's collaboration platform."
'Millions of Historic Newspaper Images Get the Machine Learning Treatment at the Library of Congress' by Devin Coldewey
Devin Coldewey writes the following for TechCrunch: "A new effort from the Library of Congress has digitized and organized photos and illustrations from centuries of news using state of the art machine learning."
Thomson Reuters Versus ROSS Intelligence
Bob Ambrogi writes for LawSites, "In what could be a Goliath v. David legal battle, legal research giant Thomson Reuters has filed a lawsuit against legal research startup ROSS Intelligence alleging that it surreptitiously stole content from Westlaw to build its own competing legal research product."


Tips for Working Smart at Home
by Marianne Kay
Now that I'm working from home every day, things aren't as exciting anymore. Some days are productive, but other days, not so much. It made me wonder to what extent it's possible to engineer a working environment at home that fosters both high job satisfaction and high achievement. Here's what I learned over the last 6 weeks of working from home.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com