A Day in the Life of Five Librarians, Part 5
by Justin Hoenke
Justin Hoenke, team leader of libraries and community spaces for the Wellington City Libraries in New Zealand, has been talking to all types of library staffers for A Day in the Life, his column in Information Today. Among other things, he asks them about their typical days, moments that made them proud, their current projects, and how they balance their library work with the rest of their lives. Here's a look at his columns from October 2019 to April 2020.
The Notion App Is a Blank Slate for Any Project
by Justin Hoenke
One would think that having access to everything at once via our smartphones is one of the greatest achievements ever, but in reality, we're finding out there's almost too much information out there (and that it's hard to get things organized the way we'd like). How do we bring the disparate data of our lives together? Enter Notion, the "[a]ll-in-one workspace" in which you can "[w]rite, plan, collaborate, and get organized."
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