ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

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NewsLink Spotlight

Pew Research Center Enters a New Decade
by Brandi Scardilli
NewsBreaks often covers the latest surveys and reports from Pew Research Center, "a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world."

Weekly News Digests

COVID-19 NEWS: 'ALA Executive Director Tracie Hall Releases Statement on COVID-19'
On March 13, Tracie Hall, ALA's executive director, said the following: "We are closely monitoring the rapidly evolving COVID-19 developments. We know that in times of crisis, libraries of all kinds play invaluable roles in supporting their communities both in person and virtually. We are stewards of accurate information. We connect library users with local public health resources and services. Libraries can be key partners in empowering members of our community to fight the spread of the coronavirus."
COVID-19 NEWS: 'PBS Responds to Coronavirus Pandemic With Programming and Online Content to Keep Americans Informed and Support Families and Educators'
PBS announced that it will present "a collection of programs and resources with timely and relevant information on the spread of the virus."
COVID-19 NEWS: 'Coronavirus-Impacted Libraries Get Unlimited Access to Ebook Central Holdings'
ProQuest joined forces with 50-plus publishers "to support libraries in providing unlimited access to Ebook Central holdings for all patrons--at no extra charge."
COVID-19 NEWS: 'Resources From Gale on COVID-19'
Gale's SVP and general manager, Paul Gazzolo, writes the following: "To support librarians and educators as they navigate a rapid shift to virtual learning and across many communities, the physical closure of libraries, we have launched a COVID-19 resource center."
COVID-19 NEWS: 'ASIS&T Authors Examine the Role of Information During a Global Health Crisis'
The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) published "Global Health Crises Are Also Information Crises: A Call to Action." ...
COVID-19 NEWS: 'Elsevier Gives Full Access to Its Content on Its COVID-19 Information Center for PubMed Central …'
Elsevier announced that it "is making all its research and data content on its COVID-19 Information Center available to PubMed Central, the archive of biomedical and lifescience at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine, and other publicly funded repositories globally. ..."
COVID-19 NEWS: OverDrive's 'No Cost and Low-Cost Ebook and Audiobook Collections for Your Community'
OverDrive posted an alert for public libraries stating the following: "As mentioned last week, due to COVID-19 we have been assembling no cost and low-cost digital book collections. Our goal is to supply catalogs of high-quality titles for readers of all ages. This is the first of a series of alerts that will be issued."
COVID-19 NEWS: 'Working From Home: Your Common Challenges and How to Tackle Them'
Steve Ranger writes the following for ZDNet: "There's plenty that both staff and managers can do to make this period of working from home a better experience for everyone involved. And to really understand how to work remotely most effectively, it's worth heeding the experience of people who've been doing it more regularly and for longer than most of us."
COVID-19 NEWS: '9 Strategies for Working Remotely During the Coronavirus'
Harvard Business Review is offering a free guide via Owler, "9 Strategies for Working Remotely During the Coronavirus," which is designed to "help team members continue to collaborate effectively and meet deadlines."
COVID-19 NEWS: ByWater Solutions' 'Preparing for Library Closures'
ByWater Solutions issued a guide for its customers on how to deal with library closures using Koha.
COVID-19 NEWS: 'JoVE Offers Free Access to Extensive STEM Education Video Library to Aid Remote Teaching & Learning …'
JoVE is providing "free access to all its educational video content through June 15, 2020."
COVID-19 NEWS: ITI's Computers in Libraries Is Postponed
Information Today, Inc. (ITI), NewsBreaks' publisher, announced that its Computers in Libraries conference, which was scheduled for March 31-April 2, 2020, in Arlington, Va., has been postponed.


New Gale Collection Highlights Women's Voices
by Woody Evans
In [Gale's] Women's Studies Archive database series, we are introduced to a new set of primary materials to document women's history. The January 2020 release of Voice and Vision comes some 3 years after the release of the series' first installment, Women's Issues and Identities. Voice and Vision pays "[p]articular attention … to material produced by women, not simply for women."

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com