ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, February 04, 2020

 Earn You MSILIS Online Drexel University ONLINE

Drexel University's nationally-ranked online MSI in Library & Information Science offers students transformative insight into the future of librarianship. The program focuses on the study of people, information, and technology, preparing students to work in a variety of information-intensive environments.

Learn more.

NewsLink Spotlight

A Roundup of the Latest Macmillan News
The Macmillan controversy over its decision to implement an 8-week embargo on multiple copies of new ebook sales to libraries has generated no shortage of op-eds and other posts. This is a roundup of NewsBreaks' coverage from the past several months.
Embargoing Libraries: A Losing Proposition for All
by Alan Inouye
In this Jan. 21 op-ed, Alan Inouye, ALA's senior director of public policy and government relations, calls for "substantive exploration and serious discussion" of the Macmillan embargo.
Macmillan CEO Talks to Librarians at ALA Midwinter
by Brandi Scardilli
At the ALA Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits in Philadelphia on Jan. 25, Macmillan Publishers' CEO John Sargent hosted an hour-and-a-half session to continue his discussions with librarians about Macmillan's new ebook-lending embargo.

Weekly News Digests

ARL Shares Information on Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2020
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) announced that Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week 2020 will be Feb. 24-28.
Cengage and McGraw-Hill Extend Merger Agreement Amid Delay
Lindsay McKenzie writes for Inside Higher Ed, "Publishers McGraw-Hill Education and Cengage … announced they are extending their merger agreement. The agreement was due to expire Feb. 1 if the two companies had not merged by that date. The agreement has now been extended to May 1."
W3C Publishes Media User Experience Working Drafts
The World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Media Working Group released the first public working drafts of the following specifications.
'It Wasn't Just the National Archives. The Library of Congress Also Balked at a Women's March Photo.' by Joe Heim
Joe Heim writes for The Washington Post, "The Library of Congress [LC] abandoned plans last year to showcase a mural-size photograph of demonstrators at the 2017 Women's March in Washington because of concerns it would be perceived as critical of President Trump. ..."
'How Museums Are Deepening Their Commitments to Native American Perspectives'
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation published a blog post touting its role in helping to "diversify the pipeline of future cultural heritage and museum professionals. ..."


Let's Make a Deal: Updates on Publisher OA Negotiations
by Corilee Christou
More and more academic institutions are refusing to pay the high cost of scholarly journals, attempting instead to negotiate better pricing and OA agreements with major publishers. Here are some recent OA deals in varying stages of negotiation.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com