Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Embargoing Libraries: A Losing Proposition for All
by Alan Inouye
In this Jan. 21 op-ed, Alan Inouye, ALA's senior director of public policy and government relations, calls for "substantive exploration and serious discussion" of the Macmillan embargo.
A Look Behind the Book: Nine Info Pros Get Real About Writing
by Brandi Scardilli
Have you ever thought about writing a book, either fiction or nonfiction? I've rounded up some of the NewsBreaks and Information Today writers who have done it so they can share the challenges and most surprising aspects of becoming a published author.
Law in the Age of AI
by George H. Pike
This past decade has seen the continuing development of digital technologies and the realization of AI and machine learning as practical tools for any number of applications, including law. And yet, the promise and premise of AI are still a bit of a work in progress in law and the legal profession.
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