ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, December 03, 2019

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NewsLink Spotlight

Selling Ebooks: The Latest News From Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Rakuten Kobo
by Brandi Scardilli
With all of the turmoil in the library ebook market, I wanted to check in on the direct sales front. The companies generally thought of as the three biggest ebook retailers in North America (Amazon's Kindle product line, Barnes & Noble and its NOOK products, and Rakuten Kobo, which only deals in econtent and devices) have stayed relatively quiet this year as far as big innovations go, but each has released at least one new e-reader, and each has made efforts to connect with authors and readers.

Weekly News Digests

Anythink Podcast Series Focuses on Food and Family
Anythink libraries in Colorado introduced a five-episode podcast series, The Kitchen Table, which grew out of the multisensory experience it hosted at its Anythink Wright Farms location in late 2018.
Tim Berners-Lee Reflects on the World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee, co-founder of the World Wide Web Foundation, writes the following for The New York Times: "I had hoped that 30 years from its creation, we would be using the web foremost for the purpose of serving humanity. ... However, the reality is much more complex."
DPLA Plans New Collection on Black Women Activists
The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) aims to highlight the role of black women suffragists with a new collection that "will help surface this history for patrons across the country and seal it into the national consciousness where it belongs."
Clarivate Analytics Announces This Year's Research Fronts
Clarivate Analytics teamed with the Chinese Academy of Sciences for its annual joint report on the new and emerging specialty areas in scientific research.
Frontiers and Jisc Sign a Multiyear OA Publishing Agreement
Jisc Collections agreed to a national OA deal with Frontiers, giving researchers from 180 U.K. universities access to Frontiers' OA publishing system.


Making the Past Personal: Heritage and Genealogy Technology and Programming
by Jessica Hilburn
Interest in genealogy and family heritage seems to be at a high point in today's culture, and we should help people ride that wave straight into the library. By embracing traditional and modern technology, teaching patrons how to use both effectively, and expanding the heritage tools offered, libraries can help the past come alive for people of all ages who want to make history personal.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com