ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

End of Summer Discount

IT July-August 2019 Cover

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Here’s a great opportunity to become re-acquainted with or test-drive Information Today for the first time. Stay out in front of the news and critical trends that shape the world of information and get cogent insight and analysis into issues confronting today’s librarians, as well as coverage of leading-edge products, services, and trends.

Beginning in 2020, you’ll be able to change your subscription to printPDF, or print-plus-PDFEmail editor Brandi Scardilli at bscardilli@infotoday.com for more details.

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NewsLink Spotlight

Technology and Creativity Collide at Tulsa City-County Library
by Brandi Scardilli
The ALA/Information Today, Inc. Library of the Future Award is presented to an organization that plans, develops, and applies a patron-training program that explores IT in a library setting. The 2019 winner is Tulsa City-County Library, for its Digital Literacy Lab. I spoke with Kimberly Johnson (the library's CEO) and Kiley Roberson (the library's chief strategy officer) to learn about the lab and its most distinctive feature: flight simulators.

Weekly News Digests

CABI Provides Free Resources to Help Hurricane Relief Efforts
CABI is making content from its Global Health bibliographic database available as OA to help the international relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian.
ULC Publishes Leadership Brief on Libraries and AI
The Urban Libraries Council (ULC) rolled out a new Leadership Brief, "Libraries Leading AI and Digital Citizenship." It is the product of a ULC initiative created by a working group comprising library leaders from the U.S. and Canada.
Additional Libraries and Publishers Sign Up With CLOCKSS
Thirteen additional libraries and 10 additional publishers have agreed to support CLOCKSS for the preservation of their publications for future researchers.
Gale's Thorndike Press Studies Students and Large-Print Books
Thorndike Press, from Gale, released new research on large-print books. It finds that "students in grades 3-12 who read large print books developed stronger reading skills, felt more comfortable reading and adopted new, positive reading mindsets."
IMLS Selects Participants for Its 2019 National Leadership Grants for Museums Program
IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) chose 15 projects for the National Leadership Grants for Museums program, which "address[es] evolving needs and trends in the museum field and contribute best practices, tested tools, and innovative partnership models for the entire sector."


cSubs: Bringing Content and People Together
by Amber Boedigheimer
Client and vendor engagements are all about creating connections, and technology makes it easier for people to piece together ideas and identify shared goals. As technology evolves, vendors find themselves collaborating rather than competing with each other in order to advance their creations and form stronger relationships. Collaborative vendor-client relationships are often based on how the parties interact with each other and what they believe they can accomplish together.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com