ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

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For many corporate libraries, “search” represents an enormous challenge. Depending how users access the library, finding what they need can require a search of multiple databases using the same terms. This can turn out to be an effort fraught with frustration and a time drain on productivity. When the director of information and knowledge management at a global specialty biopharmaceutical company experienced this frustration first hand, while searching through eight databases for competitive intelligence materials on a tight deadline, she decided this limitation was unacceptable. The library would embark on a mission to become more user-friendly. The goal? The ability to search across multiple resources for a specific keyword or phrase and retrieve one comprehensive set of results. Here’s a look at their journey.

NewsLink Spotlight

A Day in the Life of Five Librarians, Part 3
by Justin Hoenke
Justin Hoenke, the executive director of a small public library, has been talking to all types of library staffers for A Day in the Life, his column in Information Today. Among other things, he asks them about their typical days, moments that made them proud, their current projects, and how they balance their library work with the rest of their lives. Here's a look at his columns from September 2018 to March 2019. 

Weekly News Digests

Ex Libris Services Join Forces to Become the Central Discovery Index
Ex Libris, a ProQuest company, consolidated its Primo and Summon indexes into what it is calling the Central Discovery Index (CDI), a comprehensive content index that "will enrich users' discovery experience across both flagship discovery services. ..."
Kudos Rolls Out a Proof-of-Concept Page for Kudos Pro
Kudos Pro will officially launch in summer 2019 as a platform "for planning, tracking and reporting on research engagement and impact activities."
Voice Search Is Now Mainstream
Matt Southern writes for SEJ (Search Engine Journal) that a "study from Microsoft on consumer adoption of voice technology in 2019 shows that most people are using voice search."
W3C Publishes Its Latest Strategic Highlights
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released its W3C Strategic Highlights for spring 2019, "a comprehensive survey of the essential work W3C conducts to achieve a Web for All, and select recent work in many areas where the Web can solve arising problems for real people."
AlterEgo Wearable Facilitates Internet Access Through 'Internal Vocalizations'
Anne Quito writes for Quartz about MIT Media Lab's Arnav Kapur, who "conducted a live public demo of AlterEgo, his wearable device that allows users to access the internet or any computing device without typing or using our voice."


Wikitongues: Saving Our Global Heritage, One Language at a Time
by Nancy K. Herther
Globalization has many advantages, but there is also a cost. Loss of culture--language, customs, and traditional practices--has been shown to be expanding rapidly in this era of instant communication and the internet, which connects the world, albeit through a very narrow cultural and linguistic path.

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Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com