A Day in the Life of Five Librarians, Part 3
by Justin Hoenke
Justin Hoenke, the executive director of a small public library, has been talking to all types of library staffers for A Day in the Life, his column in Information Today. Among other things, he asks them about their typical days, moments that made them proud, their current projects, and how they balance their library work with the rest of their lives. Here's a look at his columns from September 2018 to March 2019.
Wikitongues: Saving Our Global Heritage, One Language at a Time
by Nancy K. Herther
Globalization has many advantages, but there is also a cost. Loss of culture--language, customs, and traditional practices--has been shown to be expanding rapidly in this era of instant communication and the internet, which connects the world, albeit through a very narrow cultural and linguistic path.
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