ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
By Ron Sukenick and Ken Williams

Building on their bestselling business parable, 21 Days to Success Through Networking, Ron Sukenick and Ken Williams are back with a new Gnik Rowten adventure. You'll learn an array of great LinkedIn tactics by example, as Gnik develops a vital network of influencers, experts, mentors, and potential clients using the Basic (free) version of this powerful online tool.

Throughout his 21-day LinkedIn journey, Gnik interacts with real-life "power users" who offer advice and insights on a range of critical topics for business networkers. As entertaining as it is informative, 21 Days to Success With LinkedIn is a must-read for any free LinkedIn user who wants to do more than scratch the surface.

2015/192 pp/softbound | ISBN 978-1-937290-05-4 | Regular Price $15.95 | Web Orders: $14.35

Order Now: Print Edition | Ebook Edition (includes PDF, EPUB, and MOBI) | Amazon Kindle

NewsLink Spotlight

Pew Research Center News
by Brandi Scardilli
The latest Pew Research Center reports cover topics such as the public's priorities for U.S. foreign policy, how people get their news, Gen Zers versus Millennials, Congress members' religious affiliations, Facebook's personal data collection, how Americans view evolution, Latino concerns about the president, and international fears of cyberattacks.

Weekly News Digests

PLA Plans Webinars on Cultural Intelligence in Libraries
The Public Library Association (PLA) is hosting a webinar series for library professionals on cultural intelligence (CQ). CQ is "a person's ability to function effectively across the boundaries that divide nations, ethnic groups and organizations." ...
Jisc Unveils Voter Registration Service for College Students
Jisc, in consultation with the Academic Registrars Council (ARC) and the Association of Heads of University Administration (AHUA), created a voter registration service for U.K. university students. ...
Credder Aims to Aggregate Scores of News Articles
"No one has ever attempted to create a review system for news comparable to what Rotten Tomatoes is to the movie business. ... Credder is all about human scoring."
Reprints Desk's Article Galaxy Integrates With EBSCO Discovery Service
EBSCO Information Services partnered with Reprints Desk to integrate Reprints Desk's Article Galaxy solution into EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). Mutual academic and government customers can use EDS to streamline the discovery-to-delivery process, getting PDFs to library patrons on demand.
Google Funding Helps Altmetric and Nature Study the Impact of Journalism
Altmetric and Nature will get backing from the Google News Initiative's Digital News Innovation Fund to create what they are calling a "change the world impact tracker" digital platform for measuring the real-world impact of journalism. ...


Google Unveils Stadia, Its Bold Vision for the Future of Video Games
by Justin Hoenke
On March 19, at the 2019 Game Developers Conference (GDC), Google took out its flag and firmly planted it into the video-gaming scene. Before this, it had dabbled in video games but was never considered a big player. This year, the company decided to change that, releasing Stadia, its "vision for the future of gaming."

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com