ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Computers in Libraries 2019 March 26-29

Computers in Libraries has been the number one gathering place for information professionals for more than three decades. Over the past 35 years, attendees, speakers, and sponsors at Computers in Libraries have met once a year to help build, develop, and educate a market. Computers in Libraries continues to be the place to network with your peers and learn from the leaders and innovators in the field. Whether you are from an academic, public, special, school, or government library, you’ll find your niche at Computers in Libraries.

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NewsLink Spotlight

Pew Research Center News
by Brandi Scardilli
The latest Pew Research Center reports cover topics such as the public's priorities for U.S. foreign policy, how people get their news, Gen Zers versus Millennials, Congress members' religious affiliations, Facebook's personal data collection, how Americans view evolution, Latino concerns about the president, and international fears of cyberattacks.

Weekly News Digests

Cengage Unlimited Adds Free Use of Evernote Premium
Cengage partnered with Evernote to give Cengage Unlimited subscribers 6 months of free access to Evernote Premium. With the premium access, students can capture information, organize it, and share it with others from a single platform.
Kudos Offers Featured Images for Profiles and Shareable PDFs
Kudos has introduced featured images to its service. Authors can add a photo to their publication profile in Kudos by searching the free Unsplash database of stock photography, which is now integrated with Kudos.
eLife Unveils Open Source Platform for Submissions and Peer Review
eLife joined forces with the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation (Coko) for the first release of Libero Reviewer, an open source submission and peer-review platform that supports eLife's editorial process.
Gov404 Tracks Changes to Federal Government Websites
Jon Campbell writes for the Sunlight Foundation, "Today the Web Integrity Project (WIP) released Gov404: The Web Integrity Project's Censorship Tracker. Gov404 is a new tool tracking removals of online resources and reductions in access to content on federal websites, uncovered through our work and the work of others."
The Authors Guild Works Toward Better Copyright Terms
An article from the Authors Guild notes that "when the U.S. Supreme Court was deciding Fourth Estate v. Wall-Street.com, … the Authors Guild organized a group of artists' rights organizations to file a 'friend of the court' brief, encouraging the Supreme Court to take the 'application approach,' instead of the 'registration approach.'"
FEDERAL BUDGET: 'In FY2020 Budget Proposal, Trump Renews Bid to End Federal Library Funding'
Andrew Albanese writes for Publishers Weekly, "For a third straight year, the Trump administration has proposed the permanent elimination of the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and with it virtually all federal library funding."
FEDERAL BUDGET: 'ALA Hopeful for Bipartisan Support From 116th Congress, Despite "Discouraging" White House 2020 Budget Proposal'
ALA published a statement from its president, Loida Garcia-Febo, in response to the president's FY2020 budget proposal.
FEDERAL BUDGET: 'Trump's 2020 Budget Proposal Threatens to Defund Libraries'
Susie Dumond writes for Book Riot, "On March 11, the White House released President Trump's proposed fiscal year (FY) 2020 budget, titled 'A Budget for a Better America'."
FEDERAL BUDGET: 'ALA #FundLibraries Campaign Kicks Off for FY2020'
Kathi Kromer writes for American Libraries, "On March 11 the White House released its FY2020 federal budget proposal, and for the third year in a row, the president has recommended eliminating the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), which provides the main source of federal support for US libraries and museums."


ALA and Google Get Libraries Ready to Code
by Corilee Christou
Once upon a time, there was a search engine named Google, which, according to NetMarketShare, held nearly 75% of market share on desktops and laptops in 2018. Its closest competitor, Baidu, only held about 13% on the same devices in the same year.
There was also a library association named ALA, the oldest and largest library association in the world, which, according to its website, boasted nearly 58,000 members in 2018.
When they realized they shared the same aim--providing technology and information skills--they set out to make it a reality. They called their effort Libraries Ready to Code.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com