Tuesday, February 05, 2019
Celebrate Safer Internet Day on Feb. 5
ConnectSafely.org is hosting Safer Internet Day on Feb. 5, 2019. "You can't have privacy without security, and you can't truly be safe if your data is at risk," a post promoted by ConnectSafely.org notes. "But even the most sophisticated technology can't fully protect us."
'Trends to Watch 2019: GDPR Goes Global' by Logan Finucan
Logan Finucan, senior policy analyst at Access Partnership, writes, "The European Union's globally applicable General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has set the global benchmark for data protection standards."
SPARC and COAR Release Good Practice Principles for Scholarly Communication Services
SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) issued Good Practice Principles for Scholarly Communication Services, a set of seven principles. ...
DCL and NYPL Digitize U.S. Copyright Office Records
DCL and The New York Public Library (NYPL) finished the initial phase of their project to digitize and organize the historical records of the U.S. Copyright Office to make them more easily searchable and accessible.
Spreading a Love of Reading in Italy
On Jan. 28, the BBC reported on the Bibliomotocarro, a traveling library in a three-wheeled van that was started by retired teacher Antonio La Cava.
Library Carpentry: A Toolkit for Researchers
by Nancy K. Herther
Universities and research centers have made data science an integral part of their training programs, and the nonprofit Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry organizations have addressed this need for the research community. But what about the training needs of information professionals who support these research projects?

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