Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The State of Ebooks in Academic Libraries
by Brandi Scardilli
In a Campus Technology article from Dec. 12, 2018, Dian Schaffhauser reports that according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Education, "library collections in higher education now contain more digital items than physical." Let's take a look at what academic library staffers have to say about the state of ebooks in their libraries today.
Authors Guild and Society of Authors Tangle With the Internet Archive
Porter Anderson writes for Publishing Perspectives, "In the same kind of solidarity they showed in calling for author contract reform from publishers, the United States' Authors Guild and the United Kingdom's Society of Authors are making simultaneous demands that the Internet Archive's Open Library immediately stop lending scanned copies of physical books on their site."
The Future of DuckDuckGo
Drew Millard's article for Medium--"Nothing Can Stop Google. DuckDuckGo Is Trying Anyway."--notes that "2019 may finally be the year for 'The Search Engine That Doesn't Track You.'"
The U.S. Government Shutdown's Effect on Data Science
Eric Hinsdale writes on FireOak Strategies' website, "The long-term effects of the [government] shutdown on data science are hard to predict."
Accessible Archives Announces Free Webinar on African-American Newspapers
To celebrate Black History Month, Accessible Archives, Inc. is hosting a free webinar on its collection of African-American newspapers on Jan. 25, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. EST.
The Royal Society of Chemistry Gets OA Help From 67 Bricks
According to software development consultancy 67 Bricks, "The [U.K.'s] Royal Society of Chemistry brought in 67 Bricks to help build a new, automated OA system that would be flexible and robust enough to grow alongside their Open Access programme. ..."
Copyright Actions in 2018 and Predictions for 2019
by Corilee Christou
The U.S. government actions described in this NewsBreak represent significant changes to copyright approaches, including registration, infringement, and the appointment of the Register of Copyrights.
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