Tuesday, November 13, 2018
10 Experts Talk Library Positivity
by Brandi Scardilli
What will info pros be talking about in the future? How will the information industry change? This year, like any, has seen its share of challenges ... but there's a lot to stay positive about these days too. Join a group of librarians and library-related organizations and companies in celebrating the best parts of being involved with libraries.
EveryLibrary's Midterms Takeaways for Libraries
EveryLibrary's executive director, John Chrastka, shares "EveryLibrary's 10 Takeaways for Libraries from the 2018 Midterms."
Net Neutrality After the Midterms
Kate Patrick writes for Inside Sources that "now that Democrats have won the House, tech experts both for and against net neutrality rules are unsure how the net neutrality debate will pan out, and they don't expect any net neutrality bill to gain traction in Congress."
Social Media Helps Reporters Cover Crimes
Kevin Roose writes for The New York Times, "Typically, the first step in investigating a breaking news situation playing out on social media is to save and screenshot everything you can find."
OCLC Promotes Linked Data
Andrew K. Pace, executive director of technical research for OCLC, writes, "I'm naturally skeptical when libraries try to apply new technologies to long-solved problems, but I am now thoroughly convinced that the library needs linked data platforms."
Gartner Shares Internet of Things Trends
IT-Online reports on a Gartner study of the Internet of Things (IoT) trends that will affect digital business innovation from 2018 to 2023.
Digitization Provides Access to Native American Archives
by Nancy K. Herther
In 1990, Congress passed the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) to "address the rights of lineal descendants, Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations to Native American cultural items." Thanks to its passage, the term "digital repatriation" arose in the field of indigenous anthropology--the return of cultural heritage items in some type of digital format to the communities from which they originated.

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