Showcase Your Library's Digital Collections With Quartex
by Brandi Scardilli
Libraries, archives, and other cultural heritage organizations in need of a platform to publish their digital collections--one that doesn't require an IT staff to run--can look no further: Adam Matthew's new solution, Quartex, is out now. Users can upload their digital assets and metadata from existing platforms and repositories and follow a step-by-step process to create their own branded site to display their collections, allowing them to be viewed by people around the world.
Dispute With Elsevier Over German OA Articles
Holly Else writes in Nature that Elsevier "stopped thousands of scientists in Germany from reading its recent journal articles, as a row escalates over the cost of a nationwide open-access agreement."
TLC Adds Enhancements to Library-Solution
The Library Corp. (TLC) issued an update to its Library-Solution ILS. Version 5.3.1 builds on the features introduced in version 5.0, including LS2 Cataloging, to offer resources such as an upgraded Fast Add Cataloging. ...
SAGE Introduces OA Journal Gender and the Genome
SAGE partnered with the Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine to publish Gender and the Genome, a peer-reviewed OA journal that "examines ways in which biological sex influences new science of the 21st century. ..."
The Evolving Academic Opinions on Wikipedia
Megan Zahneis writes in The Chronicle of Higher Education, "Academics have traditionally distrusted Wikipedia, citing the inaccuracies that arise from its communally edited design and lamenting students' tendency to sometimes plagiarize assignments from it."
W3C Publishes Report About 5G Innovations
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released a report of a May 2018 workshop, W3C Workshop on Web5G: Aligning Evolutions of Network and Web Technologies.
The Latest Legislative Data Initiatives
by Barbie E. Keiser
Individuals from legislative branch agencies working on the digitization of legislative data, academics, consumers of legislative data, and transparency advocates came together for the sixth annual Legislative Data and Transparency Conference (#LDTC18). ... Much of the day was devoted to reviewing how laws are made and how technology is improving access to current, accurate, and complete legislative data. Panels highlighted the significant progress of modernizing the legislative process, making the products of Congress available while furthering transparency, openness, and engagement with the public.

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