ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Computers in Libraries, April 17-19, 2018

Our world has been dealing with becoming digital for almost 30 years, but the next frontier, digital transformation, is now upon us. This year, Computers in Libraries will delve deeper into library models, strategies, transformational technologies, creative processes, and innovative programs while looking for new and exciting solutions to engage communities and have positive impacts on members.

At Computers in Libraries, you'll hear from excellent and innovative libraries, network and learn from leaders in the field, and definitely be an active participant.

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NewsLink Spotlight

Oscar Nominees Through a Librarian Lens
by Brandi Scardilli
The next Oscars ceremony is coming up on March 4, so let's take a look at this year's Best Picture nominees and how they have been interpreted to relate to what's currently going on in the world.

Weekly News Digests

Semantic Enrichment and the Information Manager: Turning Content into Insight
"Information managers must balance the needs of multiple internal constituencies to support information discovery and manage subscription usage and budgets," according to Copyright Clearance Center's new white paper. "The challenge is that more than 90% of organizational data is unstructured, as is nearly all the peer-reviewed scientific research." Download the white paper to find out how semantic enrichment can help structure that data.
EFF Unveils a List of the Tools That Could Have Been
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released its "Catalog of Missing Devices," which lists "the gadgets that could and should exist, if not for bad copyright laws that prevent innovators from creating the cool new tools that could enrich our lives."
The Getty Center Celebrates 20 Years With New Report
The J. Paul Getty Trust published its latest annual report, "The Getty Center at Twenty." The chairwoman of the board of trustees, Maria Hummer-Tuttle, writes a statement on the organization's accomplishments.
Thomasnet.com Gets Updates
Thomas rolled out version 4.0 of its Thomasnet.com platform on its 120th anniversary. (The company was founded Jan. 31, 1898.) Version 4.0 features "the all new Thomas Insights section, which offers more than 300,000 articles, videos and white papers on manufacturing innovations" and more.
LGBT+ Advocates Aim to Influence Amazon’s HQ2 Choice
Activists are calling on Amazon to reject some of the cities on its list of 20 finalists for a second headquarters due to unfriendly policies toward LGBT+ workers. A campaign is underway to discourage Amazon from choosing cities such as Atlanta, Dallas, Indianapolis, or Miami. ...
EBSCO and ByWater Join Forces to Support Migration to FOLIO
EBSCO Information Services and ByWater Solutions expanded their partnership to give libraries using the FOLIO library services platform (LSP) implementation and support services from ByWater that are backed by EBSCO's hosting technology and data services.


Twitter as a Tool for Studying Emotions
by Nancy K. Herther
Everything users are able to do on Twitter provides potential data for researchers hoping to better understand changing attitudes and behavior. Guides and software have been created to help academics, individuals, and companies access Twitter data for their own analysis.

Unisphere Research ad

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com