ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Computers in Libraries, April 17-19, 2018

Our world has been dealing with becoming digital for almost 30 years, but the next frontier, digital transformation, is now upon us. This year, Computers in Libraries will delve deeper into library models, strategies, transformational technologies, creative processes, and innovative programs while looking for new and exciting solutions to engage communities and have positive impacts on members.

At Computers in Libraries, you'll hear from excellent and innovative libraries, network and learn from leaders in the field, and definitely be an active participant.

Registration Now Open

NewsLink Spotlight

A Day in the Life of Five Librarians, Part 1
by Justin Hoenke
Here's a look at Hoenke's columns from September 2017 to January/February 2018 (originally published Jan. 9, 2018).

Weekly News Digests

Highlights of the Upcoming Computers in Libraries Conference
Jane Dysart, program director of Information Today, Inc.'s Computers in Libraries (CIL) conference, posted a sneak peak of the 2018 event--to be held April 17-19 in Arlington, Va.--on her blog.
Early Bird Rate for the NFAIS Annual Conference Ends Jan. 16
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) announced that Jan. 16, 2018, is the deadline for registering with the Early Bird rate for its 60th annual conference, which will be held Feb. 28-March 2 in Alexandria, Va.
Bookstores Struggle With Demand for Trump Tell-All Fire and Fury
Shelf Awareness reports that the "furor over Michael Wolff's book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (Holt) continued on Friday and over the weekend," with attacks from the president himself as well as his supporters.
SSRN Adds EngRN Preprint Server for Engineers
SSRN launched the Engineering Research Network (EngRN), a new dedicated network on its platform. Gregg Gordon, SSRN's managing director, says, "EngRN will enable engineers to share early stage research--preprints, working papers and data--prior to publication."
GPO Digitizes Last Section of the Congressional Record
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has finished the digitization of the historical Congressional Record, which dates back to March 5, 1873. The last release of the project covers the debates and proceedings of the two chambers of Congress from 1873 to 1890.


The Year in Congress: How to Define an 'Accomplishment'
by George H. Pike
It is challenging to think about the accomplishments of the 115th Congress in 2017 without also remembering overwhelming partisanship, divisiveness, and dysfunction; the battles over immigration, the Affordable Care Act, and taxes; and the continuing saga of the current presidential administration. There is no question that all of this must be factored into any consideration of Congress' work in the past year.

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ITI Conferences

Upcoming conferences include the following:

Visit the Conference Schedule for more information. For other industry events, visit the Events Calendar.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com