ITI NewsLink
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Internet Librarian Oct 23-25 Monteray, CA Save the Date

Internet Librarian 2017
ROI Magic Sauce: Communities, Collections, Collaboration

Discover the insights, strategies and practices that allow us to push the envelope in expanding the net, building solid connections to the Internet of Things, managing libraries and digital information, and enhancing the information sharing and learning experience of people in our communities.

Today’s Internet Librarians extend their reach, partner with traditional and non-traditional colleagues and agencies, build global networks, and enable their members and customers to thrive in a digital world.

Learn more here

NewsLink Spotlight

Magical Moments: Harry Potter at the Library
by Brandi Scardilli
The last book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, turned 10 on July 21, 2017. Public libraries have been putting on Harry Potter-themed programming over the past 20 years, and they have no intention of stopping. In this way, they introduce today's children to the series for the first time. And there are other organizations keeping the love alive too. That's the power of Potter.

Weekly News Digests

NFAIS Plans Virtual Workshop on R&D Funding
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) will host a virtual half-day workshop on July 31, 2017, which will "tackle the rarely-addressed subject of R&D, STEM, and Humanities funding in light of the vagaries brought about by changes in government policies."
Creative Commons Starts Mini-Grant Program for CC Communities
Creative Commons (CC) introduced the Community Activities Fund to support CC communities whose activities are aligned with the network values and principles in the Creative Commons Global Network Strategy.
Library of Congress Hosts Conclusion of Asian American Literature Festival
On July 29, the Library of Congress (LC) will host the last day of the 2017 Asian American Literature Festival. The events are free to attend, but tickets are required.
Subscribe to The Library Pros Podcast
Library blogger David Lee King posted about a relatively new podcast, The Library Pros. The hosts, Christopher DeCristofaro and Robert Johnson, describe it as "A Librarian and Information Technology Pro talking libraries, library tech and everything in between!"
Thomson Reuters Supports Startups in Switzerland
Thomson Reuters Labs' The Incubator launched in Switzerland. It will host entrepreneurs who are in the early stages of building their products in areas such as Big Data, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence.


Digital Media in the Mainstream at ALA
by Terry Ballard
Late-June weather in Chicago can be hot or stormy, but the week of the ALA 2017 Annual Conference and Exhibition (June 22-27) was unusually mild and without a hint of rain. This worked out well for the attendees, and several vendors planned ice cream socials as a relief that turned out to be unneeded, but certainly not unappreciated.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com