ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Earn your MSLIS Online Drexel University Online

Drexel University’s nationally-ranked online Master of Science in Library & Information Science offers students transformative insight into the future of librarianship. MSLIS students are able to cater coursework to their interests and career direction, and can choose from five optional concentrations: Archival Studies, Digital Curation, Digital Libraries, Library & Information Services, and Youth Services. Learn more.

NewsLink Spotlight

Alexander Street Strikes a Chord With Open Music Library
by Brandi Scardilli
As part of Alexander Street's Open Music Library (OML) initiative, music scholars, students, teachers, and librarians can work toward building what could become the world's most comprehensive open network of digital resources for studying music--including peer-reviewed journal articles, books, music scores, and audio and video recordings.

Weekly News Digests

Library Copyright Alliance Condemns Bill on Register of Copyrights
ACRL Insider published an article on the new legislation introduced by the House of Representatives' Committee on the Judiciary. This bill, the Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017, "would make the position of the Register of Copyrights subject to Presidential appointment and Senate confirmation" instead of appointment by the Librarian of Congress.
Associated Press Promotes New Approaches to Gender in Reporting
The Associated Press Stylebook created new entries for the concept of gender and the usage of the words "they," "them," and "their." The following are selections from these entries that reflect the progress society is making in being inclusive of people of all identities.
Innovative Knowledge Base Gets Updates
Release 1.1 of Innovative Knowledge Base, a consortium electronic resource management (ERM) solution, offers access to more title-level metadata and new features that allow consortia offices to view, manage, and update centrally subscribed content and entitlements metadata.
Pew Finds Most People Don't Know the Ins and Outs of Cybersecurity
Pew Research Center's Internet, Science & Tech division published a report, "What the Public Knows About Cybersecurity," which finds that most internet users have trouble accurately answering difficult cybersecurity questions.
bioRxiv and eLife Allow for Simultaneous Preprint Uploading
eLife introduced the ability for authors to submit a preprint to bioRxiv when submitting to eLife--or vice versa. In January 2016, eLife became part of bioRxiv's direct transfer initiative, which allows authors to submit preprints to the repository as well as directly to the journal.


The First Sunshine Week of the New Administration
by Barbie E. Keiser
March is a busy month for those who are committed to open government. March 4 was Open Data Day, a global effort to bring together individuals interested in increasing access to information online. Sunshine Week, held March 12-18, is a nationwide education initiative to promote open government. Government agencies, news organizations, universities, and libraries celebrated with public events designed to raise awareness about the importance of open and transparent government as an essential element for a democratic society.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com