#Lib4Ham: Public Libraries Discover the Value of Hamilton
by Brandi Scardilli
As Hamilton racks up more and more awards, library staffers have been taking notice. Its cast recording album is available via hoopla, which means libraries using that service can recommend it to patrons. And since the musical is based on a book, library staffers can easily point patrons toward the source material, as well as toward books with related subjects.
GPO Releases Update of Its Official History Book
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) introduced an updated version of Keeping America Informed, its official history originally published in 2011. New photographs and historical information bring the content up-to-date for 2016 to coincide with the agency's 155th anniversary.
NISO Works on API for Improving Access to Econtent
NISO (National Information Standards Organization) announced a new project that is aiming to create a flexible API framework for libraries to improve access to digital content such as ebooks.
EDP Sciences Gets Chinese Distribution
EDP Sciences signed an agreement with China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corp. (CNPIEC) to allow the company to distribute EDP Sciences' content to institutions in China via the CNPeReading Platform starting in September 2016.
Reuters Debuts Presidential Election Prediction Tool
Reuters launched States of the Nation, an interactive, continuously updated presidential election tool. Created in collaboration with the Ipsos research firm, it shows how each of the candidates' support translates to Electoral College votes and how turnout from demographic and political groups could affect voting.
IMLS Awards Grants to Organizations Serving Native Populations
IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) is providing 243 grants totaling more than $4 million to Native American and Native Hawaiian communities. Through three programs, IMLS aims to support and improve library services for these populations.
Final Order Issued in Long-Standing Fair Use Dispute
by George H. Pike
A long-standing and complex copyright dispute between academic publishers and an academic institution may be coming to a close. In late July, a federal district court issued a final order in the lawsuit filed by Cambridge University Press and other book publishers against Georgia State University. This follows an earlier finding that the university had only infringed on four out of 48 copyrighted works.
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