#Lib4Ham: Public Libraries Discover the Value of Hamilton
by Brandi Scardilli
As Hamilton racks up more and more awards, library staffers have been taking notice. Its cast recording album is available via hoopla, which means libraries using that service can recommend it to patrons. And since the musical is based on a book, library staffers can easily point patrons toward the source material, as well as toward books with related subjects.
ACS to Introduce Chemistry Preprint Server
The American Chemical Society (ACS) plans to create a preprint server, ChemRxiv, for the global chemistry community's open dissemination of scientific findings. ACS is asking interested stakeholders to help shape the service before it launches.
ProQuest Deepens Access to Genocide Testimonies
ProQuest partnered with the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education to launch a streaming version of the foundation's Visual History Archive, which features 112,000 hours of video testimonies by genocide survivors and witnesses from 63 countries.
Paxata Uses Amazon Web Services to Optimize Its Platform
Paxata, a self-service data preparation platform for enterprises, "announced native push/pull seamless connectivity options to and from Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings including Amazon Redshift data warehouse and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)," according to the press release.
Blackboard Focuses on Competency-Based Education
Blackboard rolled out the competency-based education (CBE) Digital Readiness Tool. This online self-assessment resource helps universities implement a CBE program. ...
Evanced Upgrades Event Management Product
Evanced Solutions, LLC updated its SignUp event management software for libraries with a mobile-enabled and faster-loading interface. Patrons can use it to sign up for email notifications about upcoming library events, register for those events, and pay any relevant registration fees.
Conference Takes Deep Dive Into Legislative Data and Transparency
by Barbie E. Keiser
The 2016 Legislative Data and Transparency Conference brought individuals from the legislative branch together with data users and advocates to review existing efforts to improve access to legislative data and explore what else could and should be done to increase government transparency.

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