ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Elsevier Science and Technology Books

If you’re passionate about making good purchasing decisions, here’s some simple and proven advice: Trust the data.

Data can reveal patterns of demand and deficiency in your library’s collection. As you’ll learn from our White Paper, Library Content Acquisition: Hard data, shrewd investments, you can use that information to make strategic purchases based on patron behavior.

Download the whitepaper now and start finding and filling the gaps in your collection.

NewsLink Spotlight

NoveList Helps Libraries Get the Right Books to the Right Readers
by Brandi Scardilli
NoveList, an EBSCO Information Services company, is in the business of readers' advisory--matching the right books with the right readers. Duncan Smith, the co-founder and general manager of NoveList, explains the value of this service and how it keeps libraries connected with their communities.

Weekly News Digests

CCC Enhances RightFind Enterprise
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) updated its RightFind Enterprise content workflow solution to version 7.0. The new features focus on increased speed and choice for customers.
Springer Nature Debuts Resource on Nanotechnology
Springer Nature launched Nano, a research solution combining features from a database and an abstracting-and-indexing discovery tool. It provides highly indexed and structured information on nanotechnology.
What's New at Odilo
Odilo announced new content, customers, publishing partners, and resources. The new content includes 50,000-plus e-audiobooks from Findaway, popular Spanish-language magazines and newspapers, and more than 50,000 Chinese best-sellers.
CRL Opens PAPR Dashboard for Public Comment
The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) added a dashboard to the Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR) system, which supports the archiving and management of serials collections. The dashboard is now in beta, and CRL is soliciting feedback.
ScienceOpen and SciELO Join Forces
ScienceOpen teamed up with SciELO to fully integrate all of SciELO's open access (OA) content into the ScienceOpen research network to provide a more global perspective on scientific literature.


Gaming the (Google Search) System
by Nancy K. Herther
On June 9, 2016, an investigative video created by SourceFed accused Google of manipulating its search engine algorithm's autocomplete suggestions to elevate results more favorable to Hillary Clinton and influence the current presidential campaign.

Unisphere Research ad

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com