ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Earn your MSLIS Online Drexel University

Drexel University’s nationally-ranked online Master of Science in Library & Information Science offers students transformative insight into the future of librarianship. MSLIS students are able to cater coursework to their interests and career direction, and can choose from five optional concentrations: Archival Studies, Digital Curation, Digital Libraries, Library & Information Services, and Youth Services. Learn more.

NewsLink Spotlight

NoveList Helps Libraries Get the Right Books to the Right Readers
by Brandi Scardilli
NoveList, an EBSCO Information Services company, is in the business of readers' advisory--matching the right books with the right readers. Duncan Smith, the co-founder and general manager of NoveList, explains the value of this service and how it keeps libraries connected with their communities.

Weekly News Digests

PBS LearningMedia Adds Access to DPLA Primary Sources
All of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Primary Source Sets are now accessible via PBS LearningMedia, which gives educators 100 sets to view, save, and combine with PBS LearningMedia's 100,000 videos, images, pieces of interactive content, lesson plans, and articles.
IFLA Asks for Responses to EU Ancillary Copyright Consultation
Stephen Wyber, the policy and research officer for the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), sent a message to the IFLA community to alert European members to the European Union (EU) consultation on "the role of publishers in the copyright value chain," aka ancillary copyright.
Choice Reviews Offers Enhanced Tools for Evaluating Sources
Choice launched Choice Reviews, the redesigned version of Choice Reviews Online. This service features an intuitive user interface, enhanced search and discovery features, and data management tools.
Thomson Reuters Introduces Precision Medicine Intelligence
The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters launched Precision Medicine Intelligence, a new evidence-based solution that helps scientists and physicians keep up with scientific and medical literature through an API and partner platforms.
SirsiDynix and Altarama Plan Closer Integration
SirsiDynix signed a distribution agreement with Altarama to allow SirsiDynix clients to purchase Altarama's RefTracker and DeskStats systems as part of their existing ILS agreements.


Have a Question About Government Data? Data USA Can Help!
by Nancy K. Herther
In April 2016, the MIT Media Lab, working with accounting firm Deloitte, LLP and data mining and analysis company Datawheel, released Data USA, described as the most comprehensive website and visualization engine ever created for U.S. government data using an open source platform available to anyone. This marks a major milestone for open source data, visualization, and global access to key information.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com