Zepheira Helps Libraries Tell Their Stories on the Web
by Brandi Scardilli
Zepheira, a professional services turned product company, started working on unlocking data to reach new audiences, not only to attract new customers, but also to correct a problem its team was seeing: Not everyone's data was visible on the web. This was especially true for libraries and other cultural heritage institutions. Today, its main goal is to help libraries gain more visibility on the web through the use of linked data.
Whatever Happened to MOOCs?
by Dave Shumaker
Just a few years ago, the conversation about massive open online courses (MOOCs) was everywhere in higher education and covered in the popular press. Predictions abounded that MOOCs would replace traditional college courses. In November 2012, The New York Times trumpeted this trend, dubbing 2012 "The Year of the MOOC." Disruptive innovations guru Clayton Christensen predicted in early 2013 that "higher education is just on the edge of the crevasse," and that because of online education, "even five years from now [colleges and universities] are going to be in real trouble."
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