Zepheira Helps Libraries Tell Their Stories on the Web
by Brandi Scardilli
Zepheira, a professional services turned product company, started working on unlocking data to reach new audiences, not only to attract new customers, but also to correct a problem its team was seeing: Not everyone's data was visible on the web. This was especially true for libraries and other cultural heritage institutions. Today, its main goal is to help libraries gain more visibility on the web through the use of linked data.
Gale Rolls Out New Science Resource
Gale introduced Gale Interactive: Science, its new resource for students that covers biology, chemistry, and earth and space science. It combines the company's reference and periodical content with interactive 3D models that instructors can use in the classroom for test prep, research or homework assignments, or in-class demonstrations.
The Getty's Catalogs Advance Its Open Access Strategy
Getty Publications launched two free catalogs that highlight items in the J. Paul Getty Museum's antiquities collections: Roman Mosaics and Ancient Terracottas from South Italy and Sicily. These catalogs are available online or as downloadable PDFs or ebooks.
Innovative Updates Its Digital Content Product
Innovative announced Vital Release 6.4, which helps libraries of all types, museums, archives, and information centers streamline the implementation of digital asset management and institutional repositories.
NA Publishing Plans Rock Magazine Collection
NA Publishing partnered with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's Library & Archives and Bowling Green State University's Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives for the first in a series of late-20th-century, genre-based music magazine collections, titled Music Magazine Digital Archive: Rock.
Pew Releases Report on Long-Form News Reporting
Pew Research Center's Journalism & Media division published a new report, "Long-Form Reading Shows Signs of Life in Our Mobile News World," which finds that cellphone users do seem to be engaging with long-form news stories on their phones.
Working Toward Universal Transparency
by Nancy K. Herther
Transparency has become a major political issue in the past 8 years, but have the time and effort being put into open government and open data initiatives provided results that are worthy of the discussion around it?

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