ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Websearch University 2016 - September 13-14, 2016

Join the search experts - the people who specialize in tracking the ongoing developments in web search engines, resource platforms, and research strategies.

WebSearch University 2016, September 13-14  This intensive learning opportunity will sharpen your search skills, introduce you to new navigation tools, and improve your value to your organization.

Registration Opens Soon! Learn more now.

NewsLink Spotlight

The Importance of Being Information Literate
by Brandi Scardilli
In today's world of instant answers from Google, information literacy is a hot topic for libraries. Credo has been evolving to become a prominent source for guidance in teaching this important skill. Libraries that sign up with Credo have access to reference content that serves as a starting point for research, along with information literacy skills solutions that teach researchers how to interpret what they've found in their searches.

Weekly News Digests

Springer Nature Broadens Article-Sharing Initiative
Springer Nature extended its nature.com content-sharing trial past the original 1-year timeline. Authors, subscribers, and global media partners will be able to share articles for free.
Simon Inger Consulting Shares Results of Scholarly Content Survey
Simon Inger Consulting and Tracy Gardner released the results of their study, "How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications." This open access (OA) report compares readers' behaviors between 2005 and 2015.
figshare Facilitates Collection-Building on Platform
figshare introduced Collections, a tool similar to Pinterest that allows users (researchers, publishers, and funders, etc.) to group academic research outputs.
NFAIS Welcomes New Member
NFAIS (National Federation of Advanced Information Services) announced that Florida's Council of State University Libraries (CSUL) became its newest member. The council represents 11 university libraries in the state.
Netflix Raises Concerns About Its Net Neutrality Stance
According to InsideSources, supporters of Net Neutrality have yet to respond to the news that Netflix "throttles its video traffic to mobile users on AT&T and Verizon," meaning that they cannot stream video in high-definition or in the maximum quality allowed.


Government Transparency Advocates Celebrate Sunshine Week
by Barbie E. Keiser
The sun shines on the government for at least 1 week each year. "Sunshine Week is a national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information," its website states. Groups marking the occasion, held March 13-19, included the news media, lawmakers, civic organizations, libraries, nonprofits, and schools interested in the public's right to know.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com