Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Who's Who in E-Audiobooks
by Brandi Scardilli
Audiobooks have come a long way since books on tape. Most vendors now offer e-audiobooks as digital files that can be streamed online or downloaded for offline listening. When deciding on digital content vendors, libraries need to determine if they are looking for a company that offers only e-audiobooks or if they need a solution offering different media types, including ebooks and streaming video. The following are some major e-audiobook vendors and their features to help libraries make an informed decision about their options.
Download Our November Editorial Sampler
Want to review some articles from our library publications? Download the free November content sampler (PDF) of recent articles and a discount subscription offer for Information Today.
SIIA Changes Division Name to Reflect Current Global Economy
The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) rebranded its joint ABM-Content and Information Services Division (CISD) as Connectiv, the Business Information Association. The new name comes from the idea that the state of today's global economy has fundamentally changed how business information companies and their customers make money, use information and data, and encourage employees to work and learn.
The British Library Plans to Digitize Indian Texts
The British Library (BL) announced Two Centuries of Indian Print, a pilot project for the major digitization program of its Indian books dating from 1714 to 1914. By digitizing these books, which are written in at least 22 South Asian languages, the BL will preserve the content of their fragile pages and make them widely available to a global audience.
CQ Press Publishes Civil War Compendium
CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications, released A Guide to Intra-State Wars: An Examination of Civil, Regional, and Intercommunal Wars, 1816-2014. This book uses data to show how civil war is defined as well as how the number, severity, and location of and participation in nearly 300 civil wars have changed through the years.
TLC Highlights Newest Developments
The Library Corp. (TLC) introduced enhancements to its Library-Solution, CARL-X, and CARL-Connect products. Library-Solution gained new cataloging functionality so that it can move beyond the MARC record system.
USGS Provides Mapping Tool for Field Photographs
The USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) made part of its collection of field photographs publicly available in the Land Cover Trends Field Photo Map portal. The full collection has more than 33,000 geographically referenced field photos and associated keywords describing the land-use and land-cover change processes happening.
Facebook Launches TechPrep Website to Kick-Start Programming Careers for Minorities
by Cheryl Ann Peltier-Davis
On Oct. 21, 2015, Facebook launched a website called TechPrep to "help parents, guardians and learners explore programming, the jobs available to programmers and the skills required to become one." With support from research group McKinsey & Co., this rich resource hub serves up reference materials, tutorials, videos, games, and apps targeted to audiences of varying ages and programming experience.

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