ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The APA Handbooks in Psychology® Series provides a comprehensive overview, and an in-depth study of specific subfields within psychology. This essential and growing collection is an authoritative reference resource that covers the fundamentals of psychology. Each multivolume set is available for institutional purchase, with electronic access on APA PsycNET®, and is included in the PsycBOOKS® database.

Click here for more information and to request a free 30-day trial.

NewsLink Spotlight

How to Start a 3D Printing Program at Your Library
by Brandi Scardilli
If you're thinking about installing a 3D printer in your library, there are a lot of things to consider before you do so. You have to decide on a model, find a place to put it, and figure out whether (or how much) to charge for its use. Three library representatives share their experiences with implementing a 3D printing program at their institutions.
Download Our May Editorial Sampler
Want to review some articles from our library publications? Download the free May content sampler (PDF) of recent articles and an exclusive offer for a free book with a subscription to Computers in Libraries magazine.

Weekly News Digests

Wolters Kluwer Health and NextGen Healthcare Integrate Solutions
NextGen Healthcare will integrate Wolters Kluwer Health's ProVation Clinic Note into its NextGen Now platform. ProVation Clinic Note has more than 8,000 evidence-based and pre-coded templates and accompanying metadata that enable content changes based on patients' age, gender, and reason for visit, as well as clinical venue and physician specialty.
ProQuest Will Digitize House of Lords Documents From 1800s
ProQuest and the National Library of Scotland will create the first digitized collection of 19th-century House of Lords Parliamentary Papers. Launching in late 2015, it will help researchers gain insight into British history, British government, political science, and other topics.
Brill Announces Donation to Indian University
As part of its Adopt a Library Program, Brill donated more than 500 of its frontlist titles to Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology (LICET) in India with help from SPi Global (Brill's content processing and enrichment partner). The books cover fields such as biology, the humanities, and the social sciences.
hoopla Begins Lending Ebooks and E-Comics
hoopla is now lending ebooks and e-comics. According to Ink, Bits, & Pixels, libraries using hoopla were informed of the addition of ebooks, although official details are not yet available.
Credo Aids Students With Science Homework Help
Credo added science resources to its Homework Help solution for reading, writing, and math. State-certified teachers of multiple scientific disciplines are available to guide students via a real-time virtual classroom, with an online whiteboard and chat window for one-on-one instruction.


tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'? Duolingo Adds New Languages (Including Klingon)
by Woody Evans
Duolingo is a web-based language-learning tool with apps available for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone mobile devices. It just released a Turkish course in beta, and its upcoming language courses include Esperanto, Norwegian, Ukrainian, Hungarian, and Klingon. Duolingo has upended the models used by traditional language-learning courses (such as Rosetta Stone, Berlitz, and Instant Immersion from TOPICS Entertainment) in at least two ways.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com