ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Available electronically, the APA Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology is the newest edition to the APA Handbooks in Psychology® reference series. This eBook reviews empirical research across a broad range of areas and offers practical approaches for the application of theory to everyday practice with the aging population. The reader will gain knowledge about foundational competencies in the field of clinical geropsychology and information related to assessment, intervention, and consultation in this continually evolving field.

Learn more.

NewsLink Spotlight

Join 50 Librarians as They Tackle SXSW Interactive
by Brandi Scardilli
"This is the biggest group we've had yet," someone remarked as they gathered to pose for a picture. The "group" is lib*interactive, formerly sxswLAM (libraries, archives, and museums), and they were at the MugShots bar in Austin, Texas, at the first LAM meetup of the SXSW (South by Southwest) Interactive Festival (March 13-17, 2015). LAM representatives are a growing presence at the technology-focused conference for two main reasons: Interactive exposes the LAM fields to new and emerging tech trends, and it's a great place to advocate on behalf of LAM institutions. lib*interactive gives attendees a way to connect with other LAM representatives and engage in concerted efforts to spread the word about all of the new ways LAM spaces are engaging with technology.
Download Our April Editorial Sampler
Want to review some articles from our library publications? Download the free April content sampler (PDF) of recent articles and an exclusive subscription offer for Computers in Libraries magazine.

Weekly News Digests

DPLA Celebrates 2-Year Anniversary
The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) made several announcements during DPLAfest to spread awareness of its new partnerships, initiatives, and milestones.
SHARE Notify Shows Research Outputs
The SHARE initiative launched a public beta version of SHARE Notify, its free notification service for funding agencies, institutions, individual researchers, and other stakeholders in the research enterprise.
EBSCO Acquires Elearning Solutions Provider
EBSCO Information Services acquired LearningExpress, LLC, an education technology company that delivers online platforms, products, and ebooks for fostering academic and career success.
Thomson Reuters Rolls Out Software for Global Trade Management
Thomson Reuters introduced the ONESOURCE Global Trade management solution, which is designed to improve efficiency by automating corporations' supply chain and trade compliance workflows.
Adam Matthew Will Publish Communist Film Archive
Adam Matthew made an agreement with the BFI (British Film Institute) National Archive to publish its Educational and Television Films (ETV) archive of Stanley Forman, who was a producer and distributor of footage from behind the Iron Curtain and a leading figure in the Communist Party of Great Britain.


May 1 Named National Day of PACER Protest
by George H. Pike
Advocates for free access to legal information on the internet have proposed May 1 as the National Day of PACER Protest to encourage the federal courts to remove cost barriers to a wealth of information from the nation's courts. PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) is a service of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts' Public Access and Records Management Division. It allows access to most of the documents that are part of litigation filed in the federal trial and appeals courts. This access, however, comes at a cost and has a user interface that one critic describes as "an inexplicable unusable disaster."

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com